Social Networking: Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.

Social Networking: Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.

Shape up your existing site

Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.  Do you already have a social networking page somewhere and you’re wondering what you can do so that you can maximize your earning potential?

If you are, then you’re in luck.

There are so many profile pages sitting out there amongst social networking sites that are not being used the way that they need to be. They are just sitting there stagnant. What’s worse is that people on your friends list actually go through their list and “clean it up” by deleting those that have no impact on them. Don’t let that be you.

If your page is just sitting there doing nothing, here is how you can make it do something for your business:

•   Start adding friends again.  If you start adding friends again, your list is going to grow. The more friend requests you send, the better off you’re going to be.

•    Leave comments for your existing friends. Let them know that you’re still around and that you’re thinking about them. If they have forgotten who you are, they will go to your page to check you out. This is a good thing.

•    Make sure you stay up on birthday alerts so that you can extend birthday wishes to those friends. If you want to earn using social networking, you have to add that personal touch. You have to let your friends know that you’re not too good for them.

•    Post bulletins telling your friends that you have been away, but you’re back to stay. This is for those who have not realized you’re back.  Always include links to your website on your page, in comments, and in bulletins. That way they can click and learn more about you.

•    Update your background layouts frequently and announce it to everyone. Post a bulletin that says, “Changed background…tell me what you think.” People love to give input on something, so give them that chance.

•    Write a blog about what has been going on since you’ve been gone. Say something such as, “business has been nuts, but it’s glad to be back.” Let them know that you’ve been busy. Some may think your absence means that things aren’t doing too well. Tell them the opposite.

Utilize these steps and you’ll be able to get your social networking profile back on track. Make sure you stay up with it. You can’t earn using social networking if you are away from it for long periods of time.

Earn Using Social Networking and Reap the Benefits
Social networking is evolving into something never before seen on the internet. It was first meant as a way to promote music or to keep in touch with friends. However, businesses and organizations have caught on as well. So many more individuals have become more profitable because they have figured out how to earn using social networking.

But how does a person earn using social networking?

What special techniques are they using that are not getting them banned from these websites? Well here are the methods being used that help businesses earn using social networking:

•    They are not submitting friend requests to just anyone. It is always best to start with other businesses, especially if those businesses can benefit from the products and services.

•    When a friend request is submitted, it is best to include a personal note such as, “Thanks in advance for the add.” This is important because this lets the individual know that you’re a real person.

•    If you’re a legitimate business, people will add you. There are too many spammers on these sites looking to giveaway free iPhones if certain offers are completed. If you’re not legitimate or you are offering something that seems “spammy,” they’ll either not add you or report you for spam.

•    Stay up-to-date on your blog. Most social networking sites allow you to keep a blog. This is a great tool to remain profitable.

•    Be sure to keep up with the happenings amongst your friends. This means you’re going to wish people a happy birthday when it is their birthday and thank them for being your friend. That way they will check you out.

Basically, you can earn using social networking by staying up on your profile. If you keep everything updated and take an interest in your friends, they are going to take an interest in you. This is very important when trying to earn using social networking. If your profile just sits there doing nothing, then social networking is not going to work for you.

The most important thing is that you have fun. You’ll find that you can successfully earn using social networking if you have a lot of fun with your profile. It is probably one of the neatest ways to market a business because it is like you are literally playing. You’ll make friends, have fun with those friends, and you’ll make money throughout the process.


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My Honest Clever Messenger Review.  Read NOW!

My Honest Clever Messenger Review. Read NOW!

In this article, I do a deep dive into what Clever Messenger actually is. We look a whether it’s for you and your business, or not. How much it actually costs, what the up-sells are, plus all the pros and cons of this new tool, and much, much more.

(It’s a BIG one, so strap in and fasten your seat belts!)

Why Should You Even Consider Chatbots?

Why - Clever Messenger

There are many reasons why a chatbot should be part of your business:

  • First. Social Media Marketing still works. But, back in 2015 already, Messaging Apps Surpassed Social Networks. And Messaging Apps continue to grow at an amazing rate. This means most people online today are active on Messaging Apps!

  • Second. the only way to leverage Messaging Apps is to put in place some sort of automation. Which does all the hard work for you! I mean, you don’t want to message all your customers and subscribers manually, right?

  • Third. Big Fortune 500 companies, reputable marketers, and lots of Start-Ups already use bots! This already should give you a clue that bots are quite possibly here to stay, forever.

This is in line with the prediction Gartner made!  They expect that 95% of all business interactions are managed without a human by 2025 — That’s soon!

In a recent survey about Chatbot Benefits according to Consumers:

  • 95% of respondents said “24-hour customer service” is the top benefit of chatbots.

  • 65% of respondents said “getting an instant response” is the 2nd most benefit

  • “Getting answers to simple questions” came in third by 55% of respondents


  • 4 out of 5 of your competitors will be leveraging chatbots

  • 96% of businesses believe chatbots are here to stay forever

Let that sink in — Pretty compelling, right?

20 cool facts about Chatbots


These stats — amongst loads of other reasons — is why the team behind Clever Messenger went All-In on Chatbots. As a result, they’ve created something quite cool that deserves a good in-depth look.It includes more cool insights on Chatbots. And why they’re so essential in your online business

With that said, with so many Messaging App platforms out there…

Which one should you start focussing on?

The answer may be quite obvious already, as I mentioned in the intro of this article; Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct Message.

Here’s why these platforms should be part of your business:

With 2.9 Billion+ combined users, Messenger and Instagram DM should get your undivided attention.

And the stats don’t lie:

  • 72% of people who use these platforms are (confirmed) online buyers.

  • 100% delivery rate for every single broadcast

  • It is the most engaging channel with an average of 82% open rates. (That’s huge!)

  • It has 4 to 10 times higher CTRs compared to email.=

  • Response time is 20% FASTER compared to traditional messaging.

Your audience already uses these platforms day-in day out. So shouldn’t your business be part of that conversation? Let’s find out!

Look, often the email comparison takes place. Which is fine. But I do have something to say about that too.

Messenger’s results compared to Email.

As you’ve seen, Messenger has far better results when compared to Email.

But — and I want to stress something here — some people claim “Email is dead” and the bots are taking over. Which is not the case.

What I love about the team at Clever Messenger is that they agree on this point!

Because they recognize — like me — that a sale in today’s world is a multi-touch experience.  Meaning multiple channels are needed to make a sale more likely to happen…

And like Email, Messenger is another — and I may add, very important — channel to add to the mix. Now, the Clever Messenger team created a cool calculator.

This helps you understand how Messenger stacks up vs. Email:

Messenger vs Email calculator


Yes — the results you get with Messenger are far better than with Email Marketing.  But again — on the same page — they talk about the importance of a multi-touchpoint approach. Or in their own words Multi-Channel marketing.

Plus they mention Email is NOT dead. But, It should work in conjunction with Messenger. Rather than leaving Email behind.

So, What is Clever Messenger?

Clever Messenger is a cloud-based Chatbot Creator and Marketing Suite for Messenger and Instagram Direct Message. It enables you to create engaging chatbots, while at the same time marketing with them.

You’ve seen them being used already by… Fortune 500 companies, startups, and every reputable marketer out there.

Unlike other Chatbot Creator & Marketing tools out there on the market… Clever Messenger immediately caught my attention! Because it has some interesting useful features I haven’t seen anywhere else before!

Chatbots are very hot and happening. To be honest — they will be an essential part of our businesses (more and more) over the years to come.

Now, there have been other Chatbot Creator and Marketing tools in the past. But if you’ve used most of them, you’ll know they all share the same frustrating flaws:

  • They have crappy chatbot templates

  • They lack training and proper support, you got a tool and don’t know how to use it

  • They are buggy and glitchy, and thus unreliable.

  • They often need “middleware” to make integrations with third-party tools work

  • Subscribers get stuck in Flows, or the chatbot takes too long to answer.

A few Clever Messenger’s features which blew me away:

Flow Composer: They made it super simple to create a chatbot. Drag ‘n Drop “Cards” to a blank canvas, fill in the blanks, and connect them to each other. You now have something they call a “Flow”. This is Amazing. As it helps you map out your bot while you build it out. A HUGE time-saver and it gets you a proper overview right out of the gate.

Integrations: This is cool because it integrates with the tools you already use and love on a daily basis. They’ve got over 50 native integrations. You don’t need “middleware software”. You don’t Zapier or Integromat, to make a connection with your favorite tool. Saving you tons of money and time already. But. Rest assured. If you want, you can integrate with these tools too. Yup, there are Zapier and Integromat integrations.

Audience Segments: This is the only chatbot software that takes Segmenting of your audience into account. The segments auto-update, great for automation! Use them in your Flows with condition cards! Or use them in Broadcasts… IF you only want to engage with a group of people that meets a specific set of requirements. Allowing you to be super relevant and precise in your targeting.

Robust Templating System: Create Templates for yourself, your following, or for the community. And at the same time make use of the templates shared by others. What’s great about this is the fact that you only have to do the work once. Let’s say you have multiple pages — or clients — in the restaurant niche… You only have to create the template once. Then simply copy it over to any other bot, change some minor things, and you’re good to go.

220+ DFY templates: Clever Messenger provides templates that are battle-tested and Done For You. Click on the desired template, and install it… And your chatbot immediately activates. You’ve got a fully working chatbot, ready to go, in seconds.

Multiple Capture Tools: Yes! Use Clever Messenger to generate Messenger and Instagram Subscribers in multiple different ways. Total game changer. I’ll go a bit deeper into these tools in a bit. Next to that, you easily generate emails and phone numbers… or any other information you’d like to capture, right from the chatbot as well.

Broadcasting: Send broadcasts to your subscribers, or schedule them in, Define notification options, send it to all subscribers, or send it to a segment (YUUGE!). They also have a Time Travel feature. Allowing you to engage with your subscriber at their best time. Extremely fast messaging as well (50,000 messages sent out in under 2 minutes!)

Emoji and Personalization: Since it’s all tied to Facebook you can actually personalize right away. By asking for their email inside Messenger, you don’t have to ask for their name. Because you can already send that data over to your Autoresponder! Also, you can add emojis everywhere, I’ve been using ChatFuel before… And they don’t have in-app emojis, you actually need to copy and paste in from a site called EmojiPedia (LAME!).

Why does this matter?

These features alone will get you to the next level if you already got your feet wet with chatbots before. And you may even consider switching if you’re running a bot on another platform — on which I’ll elaborate in a bit.

Plus it will serve as a significant shortcut to chatbot mastery if you’re yet to dabble with chatbots! It’s awesome — and this is scratching the tip!

So, what else can Clever Messenger do?

Clever Messenger is a versatile tool, with tons more features I found useful! Now, I found another page that gives you an “at a glance” overview of what the software has inside. Yup — There are tons more features packed into this tool. Making it one of the most robust Chatbot Creator and Marketing Suites I’ve ever seen.

They have a page which gives you birds-eye view of all the features:

Clever Messenger Bonus page

Click Here to Get a Quick Taste of All Features

But, there is one slight negative point (for me) which I’ll cover a bit down below.

So, who is it for?

A chatbot should definitely be part of your business, regardless of what industry you’re in.

(Unless you’re selling chicken coops to local farmers, lol)

If your business even touches something in the online world. A chatbot should be part of your strategy.

It saves you time because you unclog your support channels. Easy questions are answered by your chatbot. And you can focus on what matters most, which of course is the growth of your business.

You pre-qualify leads. Have your chatbot survey your leads before you actually talk with them. Your focus is only on the people primed to buy your product or our service!

You can even have fully automated sales sequences… Where your chatbot leads your subscriber all the way to the sales… Quite magical!

Clever Messenger is for all walks of web life. It’s for Advertisers, Support Desks, independent Affiliate and Internet Marketers, Marketing Agencies, and any small, medium, or BIG business owner… who wants to leverage Messaging Apps with chatbots for immense growth.

What’s cool is that if you’re looking to create extra income… you’ll be pleased to know, that this also comes with a commercial license. Enabling you to use Clever Messenger for client work. Basically, Offering chatbot services, which you can sell and keep all the profits!

Sure, but what about the other Chatbot Tools?

Of course. There are other tools on the market that boast similar traits like Clever Messenger.   Even though Clever is mentioned together with the VC-backed giants (ChatFuel and ManyChat) in the same breath…

Clever Messenger seems to be doing a lot of stuff differently…everything is simplified!

In this part of this review, I add some highlights of a comparison with the other two known Chatbot creators.

Features ManyChat & ChatFuel don’t have:

  • Multiplex Cards
  • The ability to have multiple actions or tasks happen if a subscriber does something. A true Multi-Task feature! You’re not limited anymore to “IF this THEN this”… Instead you have access to “IF this THEN this, this this this this this, ∞”.

  • Native Integrations
  • Integration Cards directly in your flows without the need of Zapier of Integromat. Save money, and time. Get the overview!

  • Randomize AND Split Testing Cards
  • Ability to use Randomize Card to alternate outcomes, great for raffles. Or Split Test your messages to see what converts best.

    Send Flows directly from LiveChat

    Repurposing your Flows as Canned Replies… Great for giving fast and easy support.

    • Send Flows directly from LiveChat
    • Repurposing your Flows as Canned Replies… Great for giving fast and easy support.

    • Flow-Based Keyword triggers!
    • Clever Messenger detects if a subscriber is in a certain flow, to see which keyword is most relevant at that time. It picks the message tied to that keyword in order to provide your subscriber the best relevant experience.
    • Elaborate and easy-to-use API
    • Their API is robust, and you can do a lot of stuff with it. Great for the tech heads that want to do something cool. For instance, you can have Clever Messenger send a Flow once people reach a certain part of your page… (insane!)
    • Clever Snippets

    • Webhooks are now easily shareable throughout the community. You only need to copy and paste a piece of JSON code in a field, and the webhook card automatically updates.

    • Multiple Widgets on the same page

    • Huge. You can have Customer Chat, Send To Messenger buttons, and Checkboxes all running on the same page!

      Plus… Widgets like Customer Chat actually work on ClickFunnels. They’ve cracked the code.

    • Messages are sent out FAST
    • The last test shows 50,000 messages sent in under 2 minutes.

    • Analytics EVERYWHERE
    • Overall Performance, Flow Performance, Opens, Clicks… all the data you need to optimize!

    • Different Language Options
    • You change the language per feature, one to have multiple greeting texts in different languages? You can. Same goes for Main Menu, Widgets, and everything. You’re not tied to having your bot in 1 language anymore.

    And this is just the top of my head… There’s a lot more! Also worth to mentions is this:

    Unlike other tools… Clever Messenger doesn’t charge you per page! Which is great. Because you can now distribute all your subscriber slots over unlimited pages.

    This means they charge you only on subscribers – and they don’t care how many pages you’re adding. This means you enjoy all the features for each page you add (your own or client page)

    Where Clever Messenger currently is behind vs ChatFuel & ManyChat.

    A Payment Integration. Although it’s on their roadmap… they still need to create the ability to accept payments within your chatbot.   Again, the good thing is that they are going to add it. The bad thing is that you’ll have to wait a bit for this to appear in your account.

    Where Clever Messenger is truly Clever.

    There are a ton of Clever ways where they blow the others out of the water. I.e. Facebook requires you to send Messaging Tags with your chatbot. To stay within the policies of FB (and not to get your bot banned) you pretty much want to add this to your messages!

    With Clever Messenger, you easily add Messaging Tags to your messages. Meaning you stay compliant with FB. ManyChat doesn’t offer this and because of it, your bot is at risk! Good thing is that Chatfuel does offer this too (but in a limited way).

    Clever Messenger has native Integrations! This means there’s no need for expensive middleware software!

    Yep, you don’t need Zapier and Integromat anymore to connect your favorite tools.

    What’s epic is that they have these “Integration Cards”. You Drag ‘n Drop these to the canvas and you’ve got your integration right there in your Flows!

    ManyChat only has a few (?) native Integrations and requires you to use Zapier to connect the rest of your tools.

    Chatfuel… The same principle. It needs Zapier to connect with other tools.

    But with Chatfuel, it’s even worse, there’s no Emoji support. You need to go to EmojiPedia and copy and paste them from that website into your messages. Personalization is hard too.

    And for a Messenger Code, they are also redirecting you to a third-party website… But Clever Messenger has the Messenger Code generator inside their app… You can even choose which Flows it will send out after scanning.

    Clever Messenger has a true Flow Composer. Not some wrapper around old (and outdated) tech… YES. I’m looking at you ManyCrap. My Subscribers have been stuck in Flows many many times!

    (I seriously am thinking of calling them ManyCrap, or ManyBugs, lol)

    Nothing is worse than having your subscribers stuck in a Flow, or having them in an endless loop.

    It comes off as unprofessional. And subscribers are quickly to flog over to your competition.

    Luckily, Clever Messenger has some cool ways to prevent this from happening!

    That said. There’s No per Page Pricing BS!

    Both ChatFuel and ManyChat have this. You actually get charged per page. Which gets expensive very fast. Whereas Clever Messenger’s pricing is based on the number of subscribers. Which allows you to distribute the subscribers over unlimited pages. You save a lot this way.

    Plus… They have a PayPal payment method. I’ve seen this requested tons of times over at ManyChat and Chatfuel, they never listened. They only have the Credit Card option… whereas PayPal is also a payment method over at Clever Messenger.

    BTW — I got some inside information *evil laugh* — read on!

    So, What does Clever Messenger going to cost you?

    Normally, it will be $499 a year, but the special launch price is a one-time $199.But it doesn’t stop there.

    Because during this special founder charter launch, you even get an extra $100 OFF! When you apply the discount coupon “SPECIAL300” on checkout.

    This means you get access to Clever Messenger with 3,000 subscribers for $199.

    And there’s an AMAZING bonus they’re adding as well (more on that in a bit).

    Are there any upsells?

    Yes, there are FEW upsells! Between you and me, you don’t need any of them to use Clever Messenger. But they might come in handy depending on your situation and usage. Especially if you wanna boost results a bit more!

    Here’s a quick scoop of the upsells inside the Clever Messenger Funnel:

    Upsell 1 — Clever Messenger Pro.

    That’s right, they got a Pro edition which enables you to amplify your results even more.

    • Send to Messenger button Overlay Widgets

    • Advanced Checkbox Plugin

    • Post Engagement (Private Replies to FB and IG Comments)

    • Way More Subscribers (15,000, 20,000, 25,000 and more subscribers)

    • Chatbot Template System

    • 220+ Chatbot DFY Templates
    • Webhook Cards
    • API Access
    • Team Roles
    • Bonus Subscribers when you upgrade to yearly

    Upsell 2 — Clever Messenger Agency.

    • Start with 5, 10, or 15 Client Slots

    • Each Client Slot comes with their own Account

    • 1 Client Slot is equal to a Pro Account with 5,000 subscribers

    • Access to Full Management Panel

    • Access to Take-Over Sessions

    • Affordable Client Licenses

    • Affordable Client Subscriber Upgrades

    • Access to new Agency features

    • Bonus Subscribers when you upgrade

    Upsell 3 — Clever Messenger Unlimited.

    • Ability to upgrade to Unlimited Subscribers

    • With a couple of cool bonuses, I can’t reveal.

    If that’s not enough to make you want to check this thing out, I don’t know what else will.   But — Clever Messenger isn’t perfect. Yes, it’s powerful. Yes, it’s going to save you tons of time and money creating chatbots…

    Next to the awesomeness and the good, it does have flaws.

    Let’s kick things off with the bad.

    I’ve already mentioned this before — and it’s most likely more of a personal thing. But they don’t have payment integration.

    It’s important for me to charge people for my training and products right from within my chatbot. Right now, I direct them to my page (which still opens up in Messenger btw) but the process could be more streamlined.

    The good news is on their roadmap. This means we can see this inside the app soon. And when that happens I’ll have nothing to complain about, lol. But. Another thing that deserves a small mention is that the app is BIG. I think it can be a bit overwhelming for newcomers to chatbots.

    If you’ve dabbled with other tools before, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.

    But, think back to when you first started out… And needed to figure out how an Autoresponder worked? Well, it’s about the same learning curve. Which shouldn’t be too much of a problem for most, but still.

    They do have some pretty cool hands-on tutorials. Plus some tours throughout the app, allowing you to pick up the pace quickly.

    What I loved about Clever Messenger

    Their Drag ‘n Drop builder is something else. It’s beautiful, it’s simple and it gets the job done. You can make your Flows as complex as possible, and it’s still very easy to do.

    The Flow Composer is the beating heart. Everything revolves around this Automation Builder.

    But perhaps you don’t like Drag ‘n Drop stuff at all… I can say this though, ChatFuel doesn’t have a Flow builder as they work with blocks… And it simply kills any overview!

    In terms of Capture features (their “Growth Tools”), it’s next level. Again, they’ve got multiple ways to capture subscribers.

    Their Post Engagement feature (Private Replies to FB and IG comments) is a good example. It’s super easy to set up.

    Plus they have these little tweaks, like a Reaction Filter! A Randomizer (which makes each private reply different)… and a Catch-All posts feature which applies to set to all existing and future posts.

    A plus is that this actually works with Clever Messenger… I’ve tried it over at ManyChat this feature is always buggy.

    That said though if the idea of too many options scares you… don’t worry. Clever Messenger is designed to keep things simple.

    And if you need it, they have some nice onboarding tools.

    There’s also no branding throughout their Capture Tools or inside their Flows. (I think it’s weird when companies do this.)

    Next to adding as many Pages as you want… you also send Unlimited Broadcasts and have your bot send out Unlimited Messages.

    What’s awesome about Clever Messenger

    Money likes speed. And we all like Done For You stuff… With 220+ Chatbot Templates in various niches, you can’t go wrong.

    They add new ones on a monthly basis as well as Premium Flows! This stuff allows you to have things running in minutes. You only have to edit to your liking and you’re good to go.

    The icing on the cake is the Commercial License. The ability to use this for clients. Usually, vendors add this somewhere in an upsell, but you already get it with the Regular version.

    That said though, they do have an Agency version I recommend you use when you’re able to afford it. In the long term, you’re saving money. And it has a ton more options, as well as replacing the Clever Messenger logo with your logo.

    This is HUGE… They go a ton of native Integrations! This means there’s no need for expensive middleware software! Yep, you don’t need Zapier and Integromat anymore. Data is sent instantly to your third-party tool, no need to wait for 5 or 15 minutes per zap! Plus you also save a ton of cash in the long run.

    (Clever Messenger does integrate with Zapier and Integromat through the use of webhooks. And word has it they will do native Zapier and Integromat integration as well)

    Lastly… The Price, because this is the first time penetrating the market with Clever Messenger… they are offering this at an amazing low-cost fee.

    They will change their pricing to a subscription-based model after their launch is over. But this means that you can now take advantage of this Founding Member deal.

    And that’s not all yet…

    The Super Bonus You Get Is INSANE!

    Offered by the Clever Messenger Team, you actually get a 30-day FREE Trial to Clever Messenger Pro. I’ve never — I repeat, NEVER — seen a company do this before, and it’s a great way to get a full taste of Clever Messenger.

    clever messenger pro

    This means you access FREE for a full 30 days to:

    • Send to Messenger button Overlay Widgets

    • Advanced Checkbox Plugin

    • Post Engagement (Private Replies to FB and IG) Comments)

    • Way More Subscribers

    • Chatbot Template System

    • 220+ Chatbot DFY Templates

    • Webhook Cards

    • API Access

    • Team Roles

    • All Future Features Updates

    So how does this Bonus Trial thing work?

    Well. Once you add the Pro Trial to your regular Clever Messenger purchase… you subscribe to the Clever Messenger Pro plan at $49/mo. Note, the first 30 days are FREE and you will not get charged if you cancel within those first 30 days. You can cancel this Trial from within the Clever Messenger account dashboard as well. This means you don’t have to wait for their support to do this for you. You’re in 100% control.  To me, this breeds trust, as they genuinely want you to try everything out at their expense. I love this approach. Because it gives you the full taste upfront, without the need of paying for Pro immediately!

    But — there’s something else to take note off:

    You’re invited to skip this FREE 30-day Trial when you reach the first up-sell. Cheeky? Perhaps. But it’s a very smart offer you should consider taking advantage of.

    They will offer you to upgrade to a yearly Clever Messenger Pro account. You get access to everything that comes with Clever Messenger Pro. All the future updates and feature releases — for a 50% recurring yearly discount!

    A quick comparison:

    • Clever Messenger Pro – 10,000 subscribers (Monthly) $49

    • Clever Messenger Pro – 15,000 subscribers (Yearly) $299

    That’s basically $289.00 OFF the price if you go yearly, and you get more subscribers.

    There’s more! Here are Other Bonuses You Receive:

    clever messenger checklist

    The Chatbot Checklist: Setting up your Messenger Chatbots is a breeze with his checklist. As it makes sure your chatbot performs as it should right out of the gate! You get a full checklist that allows you to see where you are in setting up your bot. Again, adds to the overview!

    clever messenger templates

    200+ Premium Flow Templates: Receive 200+ HIGHLY Exclusive DFY Premium Flow Templates. Battle-tested flow templates proven to generate leads and increase conversions. Import your desired Flow Template and fill in the blanks!   This includes:

    • Qualify Leads Survey Template

    • Choose Your Gift Lead Magnet Template

    • Multi-language Distribute Template

    Facebook Community: Join their growing and super-engaging community on Facebook. Talk strategy with your peers form alliances and more to get the most out of Clever Messenger right off the bat. This is where they share: Chabot Templates, Templated Flows, and Clever Snippets (little pieces of code you can copy and paste into a webhook card in order to make super advanced customizations)… Next to that super cool bot strategies, insights, and more!

    Founding Member Status: Your name and company name are on a special page on the Clever Messenger main website. Wonderful. Not sure why more companies are doing this. This indicates you act on an awesome opportunity when you see it… and you were there from the start. Full bragging rights included.

    The Final Verdict:

    There are other Chatbot Creator and Marketing Suites on the market. But I haven’t seen any that make the entire process as smooth, smart, and quick as Clever Messenger.

    It’s glitch and bug-FREE (I’m surprised because most low-priced tools like this are buggy as hell).

    It’s packed with cool and useful features. The chatbot templates are amazing. They look nice, and if you want, in 2 clicks you got an entire chatbot running.

    I also had a chat with the Founder, Stefan van der Vlag, about their “Heroic Support”. They showed me their current support rating. It’s a whopping 4.9/5 stars, and they have an average reply time of under 10 minutes… That’s true Heroic support!

    Not that you need this “Heroic Support” — because there’s self-help too. Clever Messenger comes with full video training. They give you “Get Started” training. Which contains value-packed modules on how to set everything up… They have in-depth documentation, where they lay out each feature in precision. This helps you understand what you can do with it — and it’s a lot (the possibilities are endless).

    Not that you need all that stuff to be successful either though. Because the application looks and feels professional. They got a cool onboarding experience as well… complete with confetti when you do something (like creating your first bot)!

    To be honest, it has a great UX. Of course, there’s some room for improvement. As I think some things can be done in 1-click instead of 3.

    But you can see they’ve been putting hard work and their creativity into this for the last 6 years.

    Want to start fast? Then choose a template, edit it to your liking, and you’re good to go. You can have your fully powered lead and sales-generating chatbot setup in minutes. This is a must-have for anyone who doesn’t want to spend hours making a beautiful chatbot. And just wants to have a bot implemented in their business fast and easy.

    The icing on the cake is the commercial license – which is included in the Front-End product. Normally, vendors charge extra for this, so it’s a HUGE value-added bonus.

    Do note, that if you’re planning to do the ‘Agency Thing’. The second upsell the “Agency Edition” will be better suited. This comes with discounted pricing. The client panel, the account take-over capabilities, and much, much more.

    The guys behind this have 30 years of combined marketing and software experience. They’re known for creating high-quality professional solutions… you should expect nothing less from Clever Messenger.

    People already call this “the Coca-Cola of chatbot creators and marketing suites”. I definitely understand why.

    That said.  If you’re planning to create chatbots, and market with them, you owe it to yourself — and your business — to pick this up now.

    Because it’s a tool that you definitely need in your business in 2022 and beyond.   If you’re currently running with a different platform, you may wanna consider switching.

    The price is worth it, plus they are pretty much on the same level as the BIG giants… (and they didn’t cheat by taking VC money…)

    At least try it. Get your feet wet. They got a 30-day money-back guarantee in place. Allowing you to test-drive everything out at their expense for a FULL 30 days.

    Click this link to Sign up for the Free Training and see Clever Messenger in action.

    Update 1 – FREE Chat Widget:

    Just found something else which is pretty cool — the Clever Messenger team created a cool chat widget that ties in with the Facebook Messaging plugin.

    Please note, that the messages which are typed into the chat widget by your visitors will directly go to your Facebook Page inbox. People will automatically become a Messenger subscriber. From your Facebook Page inbox, you can communicate with your subscriber.

    But — using this widget — the true Live Chat capability is lost because this is not possible with the Facebook Messaging plugin.

    That said though, the Clever Messenger Team has created this chat widget for you, and you can already set this up for FREE on your website and its pages. So you can dabble with this for a bit… And already have an easy way of generating Messenger Subscribers!

    Click this link to get your FREE Chat Widget.

    Now, if you’re looking for a TRUE Live Chat solution using Messenger, then Clever Messenger provides you with the Customer Chat widget, which ties in with their back-end Live Chat solution — this basically allows you to have a true live conversation with your subscriber, no matter where they are on your site, Facebook, Messenger… on desktop, or their phone.

    Of course, this comes with the Clever Messenger software, and it blows their FREE chat widget out of the water (But hey, they give you something for FREE what’s not to love)

    Update 2 – Subscriber Importer:

    Awesome news for people who already dabbled with chatbots on both ManyChat and Chatfuel.

    Look, if you’ve done this ‘chatbot thing’ before, or you’re just looking to switch to a more robust platform… you may think something around the line of; “what about my current subscribers?”

    Well, the Clever Messenger team has something really cool in place. Which is the subscriber importer!

    I’ve gone ahead and moved over my subscribers to Clever Messenger. In just 2 minutes you’ll have your entire subscriber base imported from either ManyChat or ChatFuel to Clever Messenger — including all your Custom Fields, Tags, plus all info you need.

    Do note that this is for Subscribers only. Flows cannot be imported.

    The team has communicated to the community it’s simply not possible, and they tried! They stated that each chatbot creation software uses a different approach and it would be quite impossible to get something done around the lines of a Flow/Block Importer.

    Rumour has it that they do have some Concierge service coming. This means that a Clever Messenger team member will gladly reproduce your Flows in Clever Messenger.

    But I’m not sure if this is going to be a paid or free service yet.

    That said, the Subscriber Importer gets the job done and you’re able to move over your subscribers and continue communicating with them through Clever Messenger!

    Click this link to Sign up for the Free Training and see Clever Messenger in action.

    How to invest in the future of cryptocurrency?

    How to invest in the future of cryptocurrency?

    Bright future for #crypto ahead!

    In this video, I am showing one website where you can mine FREE BTC Bitcoin cryptocurrency every 4 hours.
    You can also increase your earnings when you make referrals to StormGain.

    StormGain is an all-in-one cryptocurrency platform and mobile app. 
    If you want to start mining BTC as a complete beginner you will also receive 3 USDT (Tether) that will be credited to your Cryptominer account just for registering with StormGain through the referral link below.


    How to buy Cryptocurrency with your credit card.

    Four Steps Visit the StormGain website here.

    Step One

    1. Open your account in the web app
    2. Find the ‘Buy Crypto with Credit Card’ button
    3. Enter the deposit section

    Step 2

    1. Select a wallet
    2. Choose your payment method
    3. Select the amount of crypto to buy
    4. Click ‘Deposit’

    Step 3

    1. Review the order summary
    2. Fill in your card details
    3. Add the card billing address
    4. Provide your contact details
    5. Click ‘Pay Now’ to finish

    There is a minimum deposit of $50 for Fiat and Cryptocurrency, you can also receive bonuses when you add more to your account. StormGain has offers from time to time that give new customers a 10% or 20% bonus when they add their first deposit.

    7 Figure Affiliate System Review

    7 Figure Affiliate System Review

    What is 7 Figure Affiliate System All About?

    1. Vendor Name: Michael Cheney
    2. Product Name: 7 Figure Affiliate System
    3. Launch Date: 8th March 2022
    4. Launch Time: 9 AM EST Ending 14th March 2022 11.59 PM EST
    5. Front-End Price: $9.95 through launch
    6. Refund Policy: 30 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
    7. Training Facility: Online Video
    8. Support System: Good and friendly support
    9. Bonuses: Vendor Bonuses Plus Check Out My Insane Bonus Bundle

      Unlock High Ticket Mastery
      – Content Creation Hack
      – Build Your 1st Website in 3 Easy Steps
      – Reach Peoples Inbox Using Stealthd
      – Invitation To A Free WebClass

    7 Figure Affiliate System – Vendor Bonuses

    7 figure affiliate bonuses

    7 Figure Affiliate System Review – Features & Benefits

    Here’s What Else You’re Going To Discover In The 7 Figure Affiliate System:

    • How To Find High Converting High Commission Products To Promote. (They Do This By Tapping Into Hidden Affiliate Networks For Hidden Opportunities. Then Show You How To Set Up Quick Converting Campaigns Using 100% Free Traffic)…
    • How To Create A Money Making Machine That Brings In Sales Customers & Commissions Automatically.
      (This Is So Stupid Simple To Do They Have No Idea How More People Don’t Profit From This Strategy)…
    • How To Grow A 7 Figure Affiliate Business While Working 1-2 Hours Per Day. (So You Can Skip Wasting Time On Figuring Out What Actually Works To Make Money. This Is A Proven Way To Set Yourself Straight To Tgw Money …)

    Free Traffic to Generate Customers

  • They’ll Show You How To Put Your Customer Generation From Free Traffic. A Virtual Autopilot So You Can Free Up Your Time. (And Never Be Forced To Spend A Dime On Traffic Again)

  • The 7 Figure Affiliate System Can Help You Start Making Real Money Online. Easily & Effortlessly With A Very Clear Roadmap On Exactly What You Have To Do. All You Got To Do Is Follow The Steps
  • 7 Figure Affiliate System Review – FAQs

    • I want this, what exactly am I getting? This 7 Figure Affiliate System special offer really is special. They wanted to make it so good that you’d feel stupid by not ordering it. If having an online money making system that gives you freedom. What you’ll get in this special offer includes the 7 Figure Affiliate System. A free video training about how To get Sales & Buyers Using 100% Free Traffic. 7 figure affiliate Mindset and you get the 7 Figure Affiliate System Quick Start Guide PDF.
    • Do you offer more in depth help? Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this system. But for the people that want to further assistance they do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.
    • Who is this for? This is for 2 types of people. Those interested in getting more freedom in their lives by creating a simple 7 Figure Affiliate system for a business they want to start. Or for current business owners who would like to accelerate their sales, customers & commissions (and put them on autopilot), using 100% free traffic so they can keep more of their profits.
    • What is 7 Figure Affiliate System? The 7 Figure Affiliate System is a systematic approach to increasing sales customers & commissions using 100% free traffic. It is not a fad that comes and goes. It is not helping you to launch more ad campaigns that you have to constantly monitor. The 7 Figure Affiliate System is about building an a commission machine for your business. It will give you not just freedom and profit,
    • that can be around for decades.

    How is this Different?

  • How is this different than all the other stuff out there? Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to get more sales. Using expensive and unpredictable paid advertising. Anyone can do that once or twice. Then they run into problems when they realize that they were taught a “one off” tactic. That makes the guru look good because they get a cool screenshot testimonial. However, the student is stuck to make profitable consistent sales. Not knowing how to make their business more predictable and profitable.

  • Is there a guarantee? Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the entire system.
  • Get Product only at $9.95 One Time Payment

    7 Figure Affiliate System Review – Conclusion

    Low ticket price for top quality training information video on the Front End of 7 Figure Affiliate System.


    1. Get 7 Figure Affiliate System by Clicking here to download it now or via any link on this page
    2. My bonuses will be delivered inside your Purchases Dashboard at Warriorplus. If you cannot find them, forward the receipt to my email at: I’ll help you out.
    Review of Secret Money System from Michael Cheney

    Review of Secret Money System from Michael Cheney

    The Secret Money System is training from Internet multi-millionaire Michael Cheney who’s appeared on TV, teaches you in JUST 3 highly effective sessions inside his Secret Money System and how you can use the same free method that’s made him millions online! 

    Michael Cheney’s latest info product:

    • “The Secret Money System” – This is the lead product in this sales funnel.
    • 3 Upsells/OTO’s (For newbies OTO means “one-time offer.”) implies you won’t see this again.

    What is The Secret Money System all about?

    The Secret Money System is about how to earn money in niches proven to be the easiest to make money online. The Secret Money System provides detailed, easy-to-follow training on how and why to get into online marketing.

    It’s high-quality, laid-bare training on why and how you should get started with online marketing.

    You will gain valuable, all-in-one training about the advantages & disadvantages so you can avoid mistakes and et on to the fast track to do what you set out to do, and that is to start earning an income online.

    Section 1 – MY REVIEW 

    In this video training series by Michael Cheney, you will learn the basics of online marketing. You will then delve into the how-to for starting to earn money in the shortest amount of time possible.  It is based on his seven-step formula for success. Michael Cheney has twenty years of experience and in the “Secret Money System” he holds nothing back.

    If you buy this training for $19.95, you’ll understand what you need to do to start making money online. He’s that specific. You can’t lose. Hold on, let me rephrase this. The only way you can lose is if you watch it and then don’t take any action to implement what you have learned.

    Each session Includes downloadable video, audio and transcript.

    Here are the bullet-points of The Secret Money System sessions:


    Session 1 Big money basics

    * The 7 Success Secrets to Make Money Online

    * REVEALED: The Ultimate Online Success Formula

    * Secrets of Making Big Money Online Finally Laid Bare


    Session 2 Where the money is online

    * Why Most People are Failing Online and The Quick Fix

    * The Biggest Mistake Online Entrepreneurs Make and the 11 Minute Solution

    * The 8 Hottest Niches and How to Mine them for Cash Quickly


    Session 3 Attract red hot buyers

    * Millionaire Software You Must Own (And How to Get it Free)

    * The Biggest Mistake Which Can Cost you Thousands (And The 2-Minute Fix)

    * The Zero Money Down Method to Collect Lucrative Leads

    Other Products in the Funnel

    The Secret Money System + Fast Cash Blueprint FE Bump: $16.90

    OTO #1 – The Big Money Accelerator $97

    Cheney shares his biggest secret that will accelerate you to the BIG MONEY quickly. Intrigued?

    OTO #2 – Colossal Commissions $97

    Commission-creating secrets he’s learned over twenty years that help affiliates earn more and bigger commissions, such as…

    • The one kind of affiliate marketing tactic to use if you absolutely MUST make $1000 commissions this month. (His HINT: It’s fast, free and fun to do)
    • The #1 WORST affiliate marketing mistake you can make.
    • Shocking truth about why people choose to buy from one affiliate and not another. (Learn this secret and you can double your sales overnight” Cheney)
    • The #1 EASIEST way to make hands-free commissions ever invented
    • Other commission-compiling strategies & tactics

    OTO #3 – Reseller Rights to the products in this funnel $97

    You can earn 100% commissions on the products in this funnel every time going forward.

    Do a little more research about Michael Cheney and his products. Michael has been in affiliate marketing for 20 years he knows what he is talking about.

    Watch my video review. I hope you find my video helpful, instructive, and informative! 

    Five ways to make money online

    Five ways to make money online

    Make Money Online  Niches

    1. Affiliate Marketing

    What is Affiliate marketing?  It’s selling products for a commission that are created by other people. One of the most popular make money online affiliate networks is ClickBank, they offer high commission rates on the digital products. Other affiliate programs can be found at Commission Junction and Amazon Affiliates, these are popular for physical products. Two other platforms for digital information programes and softwares are JVZoo and WarriorPlus,
    these two platforms require the affiliate to apply for the affiliate links in order to promote the program or software.

    Pros –
    You dont have to create your own products.
    Start up costs are very low.
    You can easily scale up the business and can operate the business from anywhere.
    No need to buy, ship or store products.
    Affiliate platforms have their own payment processing and customer support so you don’t need to worry about setting these up.
    There are NO LIMITS to the monthly sales.
    When you have a subscriber list that you have built a relationship with, e.g. your subscribers know like and trust you, the rewards of promoting a new affiliate offer can be huge.

    Cons –
    The company you represent or have an affiliation with can go out of business, or suspend the program any time or pay less commissions.
    You need to find new offers to stay current.
    You are paid commission after your marketing costs on the initial sales, unless it is a continuity model. (Commissions on a monthly basis) If you are only referring people to the company they are not your customers.

    2. Create a Product

    If you are creative you can design your own product that you can market and sell online. Some good examples would be, a DVD information or video information training, your own e-book, monthly training program, if you are passionate about a subject you can create a digital training product around that subject. Creating your own products means  you get to keep more of the profits in your pocket, rather than it going to someone else.

    Relatively low start up costs.
    No need to create huge quantities of physical product in advance.
    You control the quality of your products, you can ensure they live up to your and your customers  expectations.
    You have the ability to control the price, and control your brand and marketing.

    Creating your own products could be time consuming.
    It could be weeks or months before you have a product ready to launch.
    Your choice of product is limited to your own knowledge and skills plus the resources you have availble to produce and market the product.
    If your business or product takes off, you could have issues  in fulfilment of physical items or it could prove difficult to scale.

    3. Create a Membership Site

    A great way of  building an ongoing income year after year is to create Membership sites.  To add authority to your site  interview experts in your field. It can really give your Membership site some credibility and great content. Types of membership sites including ongoing coaching courses of 6 to 12 months.  Education and personal development where access to membership content can be indefinite or until the person unsubscribes.  Niches include health and fitness, wealth, relationships and education like music tuition, online education, and marketing training.

    4. Flip Websites

    Buy and sell digital real estate.  This can be a lot of fun. Purchase a cool domain then build it into an amazing site, then sell it. What you make will improve even more if your site is earning a profit. Some top level domains can be sold for $5,000 – $10,000. Places to check for research are,, and

    Pros – The sale transaction and transfer of the domain or web business is often quick and simple, its a lot easier than selling a brick and mortar business.
    High-traffic, high-revenue, high-profit web businesses command the bigger price tags, anything from $10,000 to 250,000.

    Cons – If you are new to the online web business world there can be many pitfalls not all domains are appropriate for flipping.
    Brochure websites don’t make money and are only valuable to the business itself.
    Another risk is a web business that is in an over-served market niche.

    5.  Print On Demand – Dropshipping

    Print on demand is a form of e-commerce, it involves physical products. However, you don’t need to have a warehouse or even know how to create the products. There are a number of companies that you can partner with to promote niche products that are relevant to your business model or target client and customers. You might run a health retreat and already have a customer base of people who love Yoga, Personal development or the Law of attraction. By joining a print-on-demand, T-shirt manufacturing company, you can promote T-shirts and other apparel that would appeal to your market and clients.

    Pros –
    Low start-up costs, you never need to carry inventory upfront.
    You are not staking your money in advance of finding customers.
    No risk of having items you can’t sell so low risk.
    You can manage this type of business from anywhere where you have a connection to wifi.
    The drop ship partners manufacture, supply and fulfil your orders.
    You don’t need to have a merchant processing system set up.

    Cons –
    There are high levels of competition, because dropshipping is low barrier to entry in the marketplace, unless you are very niche specific.
    Low margins on individual items sold mean you need to sell high volumes to make a decent income.
    You have to have your marketing budget for paid advertising set at a realistic level, or already have a market/ customer base that will love the products.

    Promotion Boxable – Find Out More

    Xmissions Review

    Xmissions Review

    Xmas Bundle

    What is 🎄 XMISSIONS 🎄 all about?

    It’s the Million Dollar Secrets 🎄 Xmas 🎄 Bundle from Trevor Carr, Philip Johansen, Dan Khan and Jonas Lindgren.

    Insane value as for the price of just ONE Front End product you get a huge Xmas Bundle of front end products!

    🔥 Undying Traffic – Helps rank any video on the first page of google in 10 minutes
    🔥 Warlord Secrets – Use quora to generate an insane amount of traffic to any link to make $300/Day
    🔥 Pocket Profits – Use Instagram reels to make $453 Per day on autopilot (Only takes 15 seconds)
    🔥 Divine Commissions – How Jonas uses google ads to turn $1 into $10
    🔥 Traffic Armageddon – How Jasdeep uses a 60-second hack to multiply his clicks by 500% + 4 hours of traffic training
    🔥 Rapid Mobile Commissions – Launch jacking with just your phone
    🔥 15-Seconds Profit Warrior – Make money with youtube shorts. Takes only 15-seconds
    🔥 6 Figure Secrets – Create your own product to make 6 figures a year
    🔥 Oromode – How a newbie used 3 traffic sources to make $100+/day on autopilot (solo ads, bing and Facebook)

    Watch My Review

    Loraine’s Insane Bonus Bundle

    Bonus 1 – Access $200 A Day On Auto-Pilot

    Bonus 2 – Jono’s Headline Hack

    Bonus 3 – Email Marketing Hack

    Bonus 4 – Access Timeless Traffic

    Bonus 5 – All Vendor Bonuses

    Special Invite Bonus – FREE WebClass “Three Methods to start making money with a YouTube Channel”

    Videezyy Review

    Videezyy Review

    Videezyy Review

    So What Is The Videezyy All About?

    Videezyy Is the first-to-market tool that legally uses other peoples videos to siphon free targeted traffic and make affiliate commissions. The software platform uses your affiliate ID from ClickBank. If you have not got a ClickBank account check out my FREE Bonus I talk about in the review video above.

    What makes Videezyy different is that you don’t have to create any videos yourself and you don’t pay for any traffic!

    It’s completely free and it runs passively.

    This means that you need to complete 3 simple steps and you will have a passive DFY traffic and sales-generating commission machine.

    It works in any niche and for any offer you can think of.

    Let others do the hard work for you while you play the smart game and get the same results pretty much hands-free.

    Prices & Up-Sells

    Videezyy FE: $17 (Coupon Discount $3 Off)

    A glitch was found to get floods of affiliate commissions with just 1 click. All content is created from already trending viral videos, you ethically steal the traffic for paydays over and over again. 

    If you navigate away from the sales page. Discount Coupon for $3 if you don’t see it the code is 30FFVIDEEZYY Don’t hang around because the price will increase on this amazing traffic software tool.

    Upgrade 1 – PRO : $37 / $27

    Get Instant access to 10 extra DFY traffic campaigns monetized with recurring clickbank products for maximum traffic and profits.

    Upgrade 2 – Advanced Training: $37 / $27

    Get the advanced training from Max and Jake for VIDEEZYY. This will accelerate your success ten fold. These are the exact methods we use to generate regular 4 figure weeks

    Upgrade 3 – Special Access: $37 / $27

    For a Christmas special we have a real treat for you. You will get guaranteed early bird access to our next 3 products of 2022. Including exclusive Discount codes, and all with reseller rights included, so 100% throughout the funnels of all 3 products. 

    Upgrade 4 -Reseller Bundle: $67 / $47

    Get Videezyy and sell it as if it was your own product at 100% commission through the whole funnel. 

    Also you will get 100% commissions on 3 more products for maximum commissions.

    Upgrade 5 – White Label Rights: $197 / $97

    Turn Videezyy into your own product. Completely customize it, your own LOGO and branding added. You own the software and can sell it at what prices you wish.

    Who can benefit from Videezyy?


    Easy To Use

    In my review, I do a quick walkthrough of the software. One of the first things you need to do is to create a profile.
    That simply means adding your affiliate ID from ClickBank.
    Now if you don’t have a ClickBank account, don’t worry one of my FREE bonus products is “ClickBank Mastery” which will help you.

    The next step is to choose the type of ad you want to create with the software.
    As I explained you can choose any affiliate niche there are many products to choose from and the broad areas are:-

    Health and Wellness


    Investing and Wealth Creation

    The ad types are Image ads, Button ads, CTAs Call To Action Ads, Form Ads.

    You then search for the video content to use, and the image thumbnail which is also all within the software, all you need to do is put in your keywords and press search the software does the rest. It finds the videos and images that you can use.

    The software includes training, comes with vendor bonuses, and all of my FREE bonuses.

    Check Out My Bonus Page Here

    Videezyy Review Bonus Page

    The Opal System Review

    The Opal System Review

    This is a new product that has been launched by Jono Armstrong

    The Opal System includes strategies for driving penny to click traffic from YouTube; a proven-to-convert high-ticket offer for monetization; plus a done-for-you DFY landing page. In addition, purchasers get access to a $90 ads voucher so will have very little outlay to get set up and get started.

    This is an opportunity to get access to the exact same ads, the exact same funnel and webinar that Jono Armstrong has used to promote his successful affiliate marketing program, the Ministry of Freedom.

    With the Opal System, you don’t need to make videos.
    You don’t need to make webinars.
    All you need to o is to create a landing page and run traffic to it which you will have access to the video training inside the member’s dashboard that shows you exactly how you can do just that.

    Watch The Opal System Review Video

    Prices & Up-Sells

    Front End – The Opal System: $16.97

    Access the powerful The Opal System software and training modules.

    Upsell #1 – PRO Edition: $47 ($27)

    Pro includes another 2 standalone fully-automated Instagram and Twitter traffic software.

    Pro unlocks UNLIMITED video searches with the software, making Opal System a truly unlimited YouTube traffic solution.

    Upsell #2 – Done For You: $297 ($197)

    Tried, tested and proven to convert! This upgrade packs in TEN proven commission-generating campaigns from Jono’s personal collection. These evergreen offers have personally made Jono over $75,000, and are plug and play simple for customers to exploit with Opal System traffic. Each campaign includes email swipes, bonus pages, bonuses and review video.

    Upsell #3 – Mega Bundle: $197 ($97)

    Mega Reseller Bundle includes Javascript Commission Bot reseller rights, Insurgency and Geminii reseller rights. Users get to sell these as their own products and take away commissions through the WHOLE funnel.

    Buyers of this upgrade virtually become instant product vendors with a full library of premium softwares to sell as their own.

    Upsell #4 – License Rights: $67 ($47)

    License rights to The Opal System.

    Inside the members area full review.

    Profit Cyclone Review

    Profit Cyclone Review

    So What Is Profit Cyclone All About?

    Profit Cyclone is a training and case study that will show you three different traffic methods to get your content and affiliate offers seen by potential buyers.

    The over the shoulder, step-by-step videos show you EXACTLY how to drive traffic to your “Online Hub” from three different sources Beginner friendly, just copy what you see on screen and you’re all set.

    Watch My Review Video Of Profit Cyclone Plus Bonus Products Available

    This product launch goes live on November 19th at 9 am EST this is a 5-day launch on the Warrior Plus platform.
    Earlybird pricing is frozen at $12.95 Make sure and watch my Profit Cyclone Review for full details of all upsells.

    It is brought to you from the desks of John Newman, Cynthia Benitez and William Weatherly.

    This video training information product will show you how to create high conversions using 100% free traffic for whatever offers you choose to promote using the “hub-based” affiliate model that has been the basis for major companies such as NerdWallet.

    Will Weatherly has been using this business model to achieve staggering conversion rates of over 80% while enjoying easy, low to mid 3 figure paydays like clockwork.

    The front-end training is backed by multiple case studies, including the following: Blog SEO traffic case study. Video marketing traffic case study, Social media traffic case study.

    Profit Cyclone Review Overview

    Overview Profit Cyclone

    My Bonus Products with Profit Cyclone

    • 40 HQ Lead Magnets to Boost Your List Bonus
    • Access Your SEO Studio Bonus 
    • ClickBank Mastery Course Bonus
    • Back Link Warrior (First 24H Only)) Bonus 
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    How to optimise images for your website

    How to optimise images for your website

    Get More Organic Traffic optimise those images

    We all know the old cliché, “A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.” well with today’s social media shares, we are consistently finding new ways to use images to communicate, tell stories, and make sales.

    When it comes to e-commerce, companies like Amazon owe a large part of their success to imagery. To hold the customer’s attention, most product descriptions need to be short and to the point. This means you want the photos to speak volumes.

    Imagine if you will, you’ve gone through the effort to create the right product, buy the ideal domain name, paid for marketing ads, and launched the perfect website. So, why isn’t traffic to your site what you want it too be?

    You need to make sure your buyers can find you, or more importantly, your product. One way to do this is through Image Optimisation or, Image SEO.

    Choose a Descriptive Filename

    By now in your journey through online marketing you’ve probably heard the word “Keyword” from a vast number of sources. According to most experts in the SEO field, keywords are the be all and end all of SEO. Primary Keywords, secondary Keywords…Google “Keyword” and the list of sources of info will probably go on forever.

    With Image SEO the first location to use your primary keyword will be the image filename.

    This means if your image is a women’s top in a specific abstract design, the file name shouldn’t be DSC12345.jpg.

    Instead, you want to rename it: “ann-monique-womens-top-abstract-v.”

    This gives the search engine spiders something to grab onto and take back to their part of the web.
    Have you ever searched on Google images for anything?

    Try searching Google for “funny banana wine stopper” and see what pops up!

    Do you get the idea now?

    Start a file name with a lowercase letter or a number and remove all spaces. For multiple words, join them with a dash.

    Make the Image File as Small as Reasonably Possible

    Loading times can be crucial for websites to maintain traffic. The faster the site, the easier to visit it. Images can have a huge impact on this. Standard resolution for a screen image is 72ppi and most web pages won’t need an image to be more than 1000-1200 pixels wide.

    To put that into perspective, a typical smart phone camera today will give you an image at 72 ppi but the file will often be over 3000 pixels wide (or more). In the early web days it was a real pain to resize images every time you wanted to upload to the web, now with most programs your image file sizes will be crunched to a managable size.

    When you are using a website builder online, you may have the advantage of the builder site doing some downsizing work for you. If you aren’t sure yours will, or if you expect to have a lot of images to process, getting a program like Adobe Photoshop would be a good investment.

    There are also a few online image and design editors that work quite well and often don’t cost a thing or have a minimal membership fee with added benefits.  Three of my favourites are Canva, PicMonkey and Pixl.
    You can also get images and content from IDPLR with a FREE membership or as a paid mmember.
    You can check out the Free to Join IDPLR site here.

    PLR products that you can resell

    Alt Text-aka-Alt Tags

    When you get to the point you are ready to upload your image, you will often be given an option to add “alt text” or “alt tags.” This is another good place to use keyword placement.

    In one of Google’s articles about image publishing guidelines, they include a section on creating great alt text. Google places a high value on alt texts. In the article, they give the following reasons to consider:

    Alt Text provides Google with useful information about the subject matter of the image. They use this information to help determine the best image to return for a user’s search.

    Many people, like users with visual impairments, may not be able to see images on web pages. Descriptive alt text provides these users with important information.

    To JPEG or PNG?

    In most e-commerce catalogue pages, the product is shown in a specific place on the page that doesn’t overlap any other image or text. JPEG images are most commonly used for this. I’m adding this quick highlight in case a need arises for you to remove the background of a photo.

    JPEG images include a visible background showing behind any curves or irregular lines. If you’ve taken the trouble to remove the background of the photo of a product but, save it as a JPEG (JPG), you will still be stuck with a background colour when you re-open it.

    PNGs allow you to make the background transparent so the image can be used on top of any colour, texture or other text. This can be helpful if you decide to show multiple products in one virtual shot but don’t have the means to retake the photo.

    So Now You are Ready

    As history shows us, images will continue to be a primary tool of our culture and the world around us. Now you have the right knowledge to take your products to the next step. Taking the time to Incorporate these into your regular marketing routine will assist your product’s ability to be seen in your customer’s searches and get you the traffic you desire.

    So, get your images together and make them work even harder for you. Find out more about how you can work with Loraine check out this done-for-you system.

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    Video Marketing Blaster

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    How to Turn a Blog Post into a Video in minutes

    How to Turn a Blog Post into a Video in minutes

    Blog Post To Video

    Would you like to be able to reuse your blog post and create quick story board videos?

    I found this amazing tools that helps you to turn a blog post into a video do just that. It’s called Lumen5. You can sign up for an account completely FREE.

    Blog Post into a Video Social videos made easy

    Creating The Video

    After you sign up for an account creating your video is simple.  Choose a blog post that you want to turn into a video.1. Copy the blog post link to dashboard of Lumen5 API your post will show as text at the left side of the screen.

    2. You can select images or video clips for the background of the slides.3. Choose which text to use as an overlay.

    Add An Audio Track

    4. Finally choose the background audio track music and your done. Lumen5 recommends keeping your videos to 2 minutes or less.

    5. You also have the option to upload your logo or a watermark. If you upload a logo, it must be at least 400 x 400 pixels and will be placed in the centre of the last scene of the video (the Outro Scene).

    6. After you click Publish, you’ll see a pop-up message that your video is rendering. You’ll receive an email when it’s finished. You will then have to wait a few minutes for the slides to be rendered into your video.

    Blog Post into a Video Lumen5 rendering

    When rendering is complete you can share the video on Social media,  download your video as an .mp4 file  and upload it to YouTube or Facebook.

    Or add the video into another post on your blog and link to the relevant page or post. 

    Free Website Visitors
    How to Sell Products Online Working From Home

    How to Sell Products Online Working From Home

    Working From Home – creating an extra income

    As someone who has started 4 or 5 businesses over the years and had some failures along the way.

    I found success from 2007 working from home. I was fully self employed in property management in my own business while working from my home office, however the idea of having Multiple Streams of Income has been something I have valued since 1999.

    Six reasons why you must think about earning an extra income.

    1. No one has a JOB for life any more
    2. You should think about having a back up plan as protection for the future if you should  lose your employment
    3. It opens up more choices. If you hate your day job, earning an extra income can help you decide on quitting.
    4. Fire your Boss –  you can grow your income to a level that replaces your current earnings
    5. Beginning a new venture can be exciting.  When you have a dream or a passion getting up at 5 am and working on your business for two  hours before setting off to the 9-5 is easy to do.
    6. Learning new skills is motivating and rewarding in more ways than one. Once you start to earn an extra income for yourself you can use your new skills and knowledge to create an income for the rest of your life.

    Create Multiple Income Streams

    You can search Google for ideas on multiple income streams you will find a lot of information out there.

    Here are just a few ideas of how you could get started creating your  M.I.S.

    Join a reputable network marketing company.

    Affiliate Marketing, selling digital products online and earning commissions.

    Buying property,  buy and let, or buy refurb and sell, and various other ways of making money from property.

    Sell Products Online Working From Home

    Consider selling physical products on an e-commerce platform like Amazon, Shopify or Etsy.

    Think about starting your own business on a part time basis doing something you enjoy. Photography or Writing for example, you could even start a blog.

    Create your own products to sell.

    Write music lyrics, write e-books, write a novel or a training book.

    Teach people a skill that you have.

    Need a few more ideas?

    If you’ve time to watch a FREE WEBCLASS.
    Would like to get access to a training to help you get inspired.

    Want to learn more about a simple online training and coaching program you can start in your spare time from home then here is your special invitation to a free webclass.

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    Using Google Analytics on your websites

    Using Google Analytics on your websites

    Internet marketing efforts need to be tracked so you know if you are using your resources wisely.  Google analytics is a good, free tool you can use to track traffic sources, conversion rates, etc.

    Make sure you have Google analytics or some other type of analytics installed on your website.

    Traffic Sources

    You want to know where your traffic is coming from and where it is not coming from. This will help you allocate your resources properly.  Google Analytics is able to track where your site visitors are coming from, where they go on your site, etc.

    A few examples of where your traffic may come from:

    •    Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc)
    •    Pay-Per-Click campaigns
    •    Twitter, Facebook, etc
    •    Articles and press releases that include links
    •    Websites that have your links
    •    Etc.

    Having this information can help you have a more effective Internet marketing plan.

    Easy Come, Easy Go

    It is easy to find out where the traffic comes from and what page they leave from.  Both of these pieces of information are valuable.  Knowing them can help you identify if your Internet marketing strategy is working.
    The page people enter your site on is important.  You want to make sure they arrive on your website on a page that has a focused message for what they are looking for (most websites have multiple entry points, each focused on a different search term).   Pay careful attention to what page your visitors land on and make sure it is well designed and well written.

    The page visitors leave your website on is also important because it may identify a problem with your site.  If you find that a certain page is the primary exit point you want to see if there are any technical or other issues with that page that make people leave your site.

    Conversion Rates

    Though it is important to learn about where your traffic is coming from it is more important to know where your sales are coming from.  Conversion rates in Google Analytics are tracked by traffic source.  You can see where your actual buyers are coming from so you can put more emphasis on those resources.

    Google Analytics is important to add to a website.  Learn about your website traffic, conversion rates and more so you can make important tweaks to your Internet marketing strategy.

    IM Acronyms Beginners Guide

    IM Acronyms Beginners Guide

    IM Acronyms

    Firstly what is an acronym: it is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word.

    Untangle the IM Acronym Jungle Beginners Guide – Our language becomes filled with acronyms in our jobs and professions there are terms and short codes for phrases that become common to those in that profession or industry.

    Internet Marketers have created and use many acronyms so here are some I’ve gathered for you to help you out.

    Alt Text = Alternative text to be displayed with images, or text that is associated with the image.

    B2B = Business to Business transactions  and B2C = business to consumer.

    Blackhat =  refers to unethical techniques being used   while Whitehat = ethical techniques

    eg Blackhat hacker

    CPC = Cost per Click  and CPA = Cost per Acquisition (used in determining cost of advertising)

    PPC = Pay per Click  and CPM = Cost per 1,000 impressions

    CTR = Click through rates, the number of clicks received from your advertising campaign.

    CTC -= Click to Conversion (divide number of clicks received by captured sales / conversions )

    Opt-In = a subscribers sign up  and Opt-out

    FTP = File Transfer Protocol

    FSI = Free Standing Insert

    Favicon = created from two words Favourite Icon (fav-icon) and refers to a customised icon display in a browser / comments

    HTML = hyper text markup language

    ROI = Return On Investment

    SEO = Search Engine Optimization   and  SEM = Search Engine Marketing

    SMM = Social Media Marketing  while SMO = Social Media Optimization

    SERP = Search Engine Results Page

    URL = Uniform Resource Locator previously universal resource locator, which is generally known as a unique address for a file that is accessible on the internet

    WSO = Warrior Special Offer  Warrior Special Offers Forum place where internet marketers advertise or promote offers give feedback and chat.

    Untangle the IM Acronym Jungle Beginners Guide

    Other Phrases and words

    Anchor text = clickable part of a hyperlink

    Domain  = a website address name which can be purchased from a Domain and hosting service.
    My recommendation is D9

    hyperlink = element in an electronic document / webpage that links to another page or place

    Meta Tags =  used to provide search engines with information about their sites.

    Keyword = phrases to use in your web page content and online marketing materials.

    google bot = is Google’s web crawling bot (sometimes also called a “spider”)

    e commerce = is trading in products or services conducted via computer networks such as the Internet

    double opt-in = way to ensure subscribers e-mail address is valid used in auto responders like AWEBER and GET RESPONSE

    Funnel – name given to a marketing plan that drives traffic into a large “funnel” eg webpage and filters clients or customers into buyers and non buyers, there are various companies that support small business and entrepreneurs with software for funnel creation.  I use Thrive Themes on all of my WordPress websites it is a suite of plugins that work well and have templates for all sorts of sign up landing pages, training course pages, video sales pages, and selling e books funnels. 

    Landing Page – A single webpage that provides information or video content and allows a person to sign up by providing an email address

    Tracking Links – Helps business to see which ads are converting to leads and which ads are not performing well, helps to save money on poor performing ads while maximising your return on investment where ads are working well.

    My recommendation for link tacking is to use cloud software that you can start using for free like or

    That’s all for now – don’t forget to like this and share if you found it useful. 

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    My Who is Who of Internet Marketing

    My Who is Who of Internet Marketing

    Just a few of the  in Internet marketing successes
    that I have discovered along the way…

    I originally wrote this post in 2014 while I was still working on my full time “Property Management and Lettings” business. Since I sold my business I have looked at and tried out a couple of ways to get started with my own online business. After a number of false starts I finally found the program that is right for me. To find out more about the program I joined you can check out my story so far…. 

    John Thornhill

    I first heard of John in 2014, he was marketing a course he had developed called Partnership to Success. I watched his webinar presentation in which he told his story of working in the Nissan car manufaturing factory in Sunderland to online digital marketer. Quite a journey I woud say.  

    I was impressed by his presentation that I signed up for his mentorship program and learned more about building a blog and how to monetise that blog. The course was a walk through step by step training on setting up a blog but also on how to get started with product creation and selling affiliate products on Warrior plus, JV Zoo and Clickbank.   John has had huge success with his products and courses. 

    Yanik Silver

    Yanik’s story – he started out with just a few hundred dollars while working from a one bedroom apartment.  Yanik is a self confessed serial entrepreneur and has built multiple  7-figure businesses. He will still tell people that he is a “techno dunce”.   He founded “Maverick Business Adventures” which is an invitation only club for high net worth entrepreneurs,  Yanik is also well known as an author and digital marketing expert.

    Gary Vaynerchuck

    From being known for his wine critique in promoting his families wine store to author on Internet marketing to  CEO of a social media brand consulting agency, he is a video blogger, and co-owner and director of operations of a wine retail store.

    Gary Vaynerchuck first became well known through the launch of his first book “Crush It!”  in 2009 – the book was advising “Why Now is the Time to Cash in on your Passion” the book became a number 1 Amazon best seller for web marketing books.

    The book encouraged people to determine what truly makes them happy and pursue monetizing around it on the internet. In his book he argues that because of recent social and technological trends the cost of producing content has been driven low enough that passion, knowledge, and effort, which the book calls “sweat equity”, are now all one needs to build a brand and business.

    The book he launched in 2013 “Jab Jab Jab, Right hook” explains why social networks are important platforms for business and how you can tell your story, in a noisy social world.

    Pat Flynn

    He is most well-known for being the mastermind behind the SmartPassiveIncome blog and podcast, the latter of which just reached its 47 millionth download. 


    George Montague Brown (UK)

    How many people have heard of George Montague Brown?  George became known as an internet marketing expert, speaker, author, 4 times Clickbank #1 bestseller by the age of  20 years, one of the youngest self made millionaires online.
    He is best known for affiliate marketing and his own product “Google Sniper” in which George explained  how to build a wordpress site for any type of “niche” market and have it rank in the search engines of Google.

    Lewis Howes

    I first discovered Lewis Howes from listening to a WEBINAR, he gave some valuable tips on using LinkedIn and also building a twitter following.

    Lewis Howes co-wrote, LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World’s Largest Professional Networking Website,  in 2009.  He is an American author, entrepreneur, and former professional Arena League football player.  He hosts The School of Greatness, a talk show distributed as a podcast.

    Simon Coulson (UK)

    In 2013, I got to hear Simon Coulson speaking at a property conference in Wembley. His story is inspiring, he ha been working for BT in “Customer Relationship Management” for 14 years. Simon was made redundant in 2003, then after attending a IM seminar he decided to try his hand at internet marketing. Simon now has a number of successful internet business programs and training courses.

    His specialities include, Internet Marketing, Business Consulting and Business Growth Strategies. As well as Video Marketing For Business, Social Media Training Programs, Mobile Marketing Training Programs, and SEO Training Programs.

    There are many more successful Internet Marketers offering digital products, software, membership sites, training courses and coaching.

    More Internet Marketers

    A few more names that you might want to put into the google search engine are :

    Jono Armstrong, began as a struggling beginner and built his fame to the successful marketer he is right now, he teaches people how to make money with affiliate marketing.

    John Crestani, the original digital nomad and affiliate marketing expert

    So there you have it.  My who’s who in Internet Marketing,

    I hope it gives some inspiration to those of you who follow the in their foot steps…


    Vid Proposals
    What is an Internet Sales Funnel?

    What is an Internet Sales Funnel?

    An Internet marketing funnel is a marketing strategy whereby you are constantly funnelling new leads into your business, in the hopes of developing a sale and relationship with the user. A marketing funnel is often seen as an upside down pyramid. As in the image below.

    How to

    So how do you create a sales funnel, if you search the internet you can find many articles about internet marketing and sales funnels, for example at Wiki How or Entrepreneur EU.


    Breaking it down

    There’s a number of elements involved in setting up an internet sales funnel. Lets take a look at what these are.

    1. An offer either a product or service for your customers or audience.
    2. A landing page or squeeze page that directs people to give their name and email in return for something valuable, this can be a free or low cost digital product.
    3. A lead capture and email follow up program, there are many good ones on the market and yes most do charge a monthly fee, there are free services that you can use but be careful what you choose as not all of the free softwares are OK with promoting “affiliate programs” my recommendation is Aweber.
    4. Next you need a strategy on how to promote the landing page to your target audience. This is known as  Traffic Generation, you can find my YouTube playlist here, there’s a number of strategies that you can implement. When starting out I would not recommend spending too much on paid advertising. Paid platforms  are Facebook, Instagram, Solo ads, Google ads, Bing and even LinkedIn. Free organic methods include social media, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Groups, Google+ & Twitter. 
    5. When you start to generate prospects into the funnel via the lead capture landing page you need to provide them with the free digital product or service.  Whatever you offer you can deliver in the first email sent. You should have a number of emails in your autoresponder in order to follow up with these new prospects. Now depending on how targeted your promotions or paid ads were you could be generating red hot qualified leads. These leads will buy your products or services after seeing one or two emails. The follow up sequence should be at least 10 days and better still 30 days.

    FREE Traffic Training Workshop from my mentor. 

    Now if you are looking for a step by step training on traffic generation, I can highly recommend this FREE Traffic Workshop, you can access this NOW by clicking on the banner image below. If you find this training helpful hit the message button on the website and let me know via Facebook messenger. 

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    15-Second Profit Warrior

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