The Opal System Review

The Opal System Review

This is a new product that has been launched by Jono Armstrong

The Opal System includes strategies for driving penny to click traffic from YouTube; a proven-to-convert high-ticket offer for monetization; plus a done-for-you DFY landing page. In addition, purchasers get access to a $90 ads voucher so will have very little outlay to get set up and get started.

This is an opportunity to get access to the exact same ads, the exact same funnel and webinar that Jono Armstrong has used to promote his successful affiliate marketing program, the Ministry of Freedom.

With the Opal System, you don’t need to make videos.
You don’t need to make webinars.
All you need to o is to create a landing page and run traffic to it which you will have access to the video training inside the member’s dashboard that shows you exactly how you can do just that.

Watch The Opal System Review Video

Prices & Up-Sells

Front End – The Opal System: $16.97

Access the powerful The Opal System software and training modules.

Upsell #1 – PRO Edition: $47 ($27)

Pro includes another 2 standalone fully-automated Instagram and Twitter traffic software.

Pro unlocks UNLIMITED video searches with the software, making Opal System a truly unlimited YouTube traffic solution.

Upsell #2 – Done For You: $297 ($197)

Tried, tested and proven to convert! This upgrade packs in TEN proven commission-generating campaigns from Jono’s personal collection. These evergreen offers have personally made Jono over $75,000, and are plug and play simple for customers to exploit with Opal System traffic. Each campaign includes email swipes, bonus pages, bonuses and review video.

Upsell #3 – Mega Bundle: $197 ($97)

Mega Reseller Bundle includes Javascript Commission Bot reseller rights, Insurgency and Geminii reseller rights. Users get to sell these as their own products and take away commissions through the WHOLE funnel.

Buyers of this upgrade virtually become instant product vendors with a full library of premium softwares to sell as their own.

Upsell #4 – License Rights: $67 ($47)

License rights to The Opal System.

Inside the members area full review.

How to optimise images for your website

How to optimise images for your website

Get More Organic Traffic optimise those images

We all know the old cliché, “A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words.” well with today’s social media shares, we are consistently finding new ways to use images to communicate, tell stories, and make sales.

When it comes to e-commerce, companies like Amazon owe a large part of their success to imagery. To hold the customer’s attention, most product descriptions need to be short and to the point. This means you want the photos to speak volumes.

Imagine if you will, you’ve gone through the effort to create the right product, buy the ideal domain name, paid for marketing ads, and launched the perfect website. So, why isn’t traffic to your site what you want it too be?

You need to make sure your buyers can find you, or more importantly, your product. One way to do this is through Image Optimisation or, Image SEO.

Choose a Descriptive Filename

By now in your journey through online marketing you’ve probably heard the word “Keyword” from a vast number of sources. According to most experts in the SEO field, keywords are the be all and end all of SEO. Primary Keywords, secondary Keywords…Google “Keyword” and the list of sources of info will probably go on forever.

With Image SEO the first location to use your primary keyword will be the image filename.

This means if your image is a women’s top in a specific abstract design, the file name shouldn’t be DSC12345.jpg.

Instead, you want to rename it: “ann-monique-womens-top-abstract-v.”

This gives the search engine spiders something to grab onto and take back to their part of the web.
Have you ever searched on Google images for anything?

Try searching Google for “funny banana wine stopper” and see what pops up!

Do you get the idea now?

Start a file name with a lowercase letter or a number and remove all spaces. For multiple words, join them with a dash.

Make the Image File as Small as Reasonably Possible

Loading times can be crucial for websites to maintain traffic. The faster the site, the easier to visit it. Images can have a huge impact on this. Standard resolution for a screen image is 72ppi and most web pages won’t need an image to be more than 1000-1200 pixels wide.

To put that into perspective, a typical smart phone camera today will give you an image at 72 ppi but the file will often be over 3000 pixels wide (or more). In the early web days it was a real pain to resize images every time you wanted to upload to the web, now with most programs your image file sizes will be crunched to a managable size.

When you are using a website builder online, you may have the advantage of the builder site doing some downsizing work for you. If you aren’t sure yours will, or if you expect to have a lot of images to process, getting a program like Adobe Photoshop would be a good investment.

There are also a few online image and design editors that work quite well and often don’t cost a thing or have a minimal membership fee with added benefits.  Three of my favourites are Canva, PicMonkey and Pixl.
You can also get images and content from IDPLR with a FREE membership or as a paid mmember.
You can check out the Free to Join IDPLR site here.

PLR products that you can resell

Alt Text-aka-Alt Tags

When you get to the point you are ready to upload your image, you will often be given an option to add “alt text” or “alt tags.” This is another good place to use keyword placement.

In one of Google’s articles about image publishing guidelines, they include a section on creating great alt text. Google places a high value on alt texts. In the article, they give the following reasons to consider:

Alt Text provides Google with useful information about the subject matter of the image. They use this information to help determine the best image to return for a user’s search.

Many people, like users with visual impairments, may not be able to see images on web pages. Descriptive alt text provides these users with important information.


In most e-commerce catalogue pages, the product is shown in a specific place on the page that doesn’t overlap any other image or text. JPEG images are most commonly used for this. I’m adding this quick highlight in case a need arises for you to remove the background of a photo.

JPEG images include a visible background showing behind any curves or irregular lines. If you’ve taken the trouble to remove the background of the photo of a product but, save it as a JPEG (JPG), you will still be stuck with a background colour when you re-open it.

PNGs allow you to make the background transparent so the image can be used on top of any colour, texture or other text. This can be helpful if you decide to show multiple products in one virtual shot but don’t have the means to retake the photo.

So Now You are Ready

As history shows us, images will continue to be a primary tool of our culture and the world around us. Now you have the right knowledge to take your products to the next step. Taking the time to Incorporate these into your regular marketing routine will assist your product’s ability to be seen in your customer’s searches and get you the traffic you desire.

So, get your images together and make them work even harder for you. Find out more about how you can work with Loraine check out this done-for-you system.

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

Social Networking: Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.

Social Networking: Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.

Shape up your existing site

Shape up your existing profile to attract new clients.  Do you already have a social networking page somewhere and you’re wondering what you can do so that you can maximize your earning potential?

If you are, then you’re in luck.

There are so many profile pages sitting out there amongst social networking sites that are not being used the way that they need to be. They are just sitting there stagnant. What’s worse is that people on your friends list actually go through their list and “clean it up” by deleting those that have no impact on them. Don’t let that be you.

If your page is just sitting there doing nothing, here is how you can make it do something for your business:

•   Start adding friends again.  If you start adding friends again, your list is going to grow. The more friend requests you send, the better off you’re going to be.

•    Leave comments for your existing friends. Let them know that you’re still around and that you’re thinking about them. If they have forgotten who you are, they will go to your page to check you out. This is a good thing.

•    Make sure you stay up on birthday alerts so that you can extend birthday wishes to those friends. If you want to earn using social networking, you have to add that personal touch. You have to let your friends know that you’re not too good for them.

•    Post bulletins telling your friends that you have been away, but you’re back to stay. This is for those who have not realized you’re back.  Always include links to your website on your page, in comments, and in bulletins. That way they can click and learn more about you.

•    Update your background layouts frequently and announce it to everyone. Post a bulletin that says, “Changed background…tell me what you think.” People love to give input on something, so give them that chance.

•    Write a blog about what has been going on since you’ve been gone. Say something such as, “business has been nuts, but it’s glad to be back.” Let them know that you’ve been busy. Some may think your absence means that things aren’t doing too well. Tell them the opposite.

Utilize these steps and you’ll be able to get your social networking profile back on track. Make sure you stay up with it. You can’t earn using social networking if you are away from it for long periods of time.

Earn Using Social Networking and Reap the Benefits
Social networking is evolving into something never before seen on the internet. It was first meant as a way to promote music or to keep in touch with friends. However, businesses and organizations have caught on as well. So many more individuals have become more profitable because they have figured out how to earn using social networking.

But how does a person earn using social networking?

What special techniques are they using that are not getting them banned from these websites? Well here are the methods being used that help businesses earn using social networking:

•    They are not submitting friend requests to just anyone. It is always best to start with other businesses, especially if those businesses can benefit from the products and services.

•    When a friend request is submitted, it is best to include a personal note such as, “Thanks in advance for the add.” This is important because this lets the individual know that you’re a real person.

•    If you’re a legitimate business, people will add you. There are too many spammers on these sites looking to giveaway free iPhones if certain offers are completed. If you’re not legitimate or you are offering something that seems “spammy,” they’ll either not add you or report you for spam.

•    Stay up-to-date on your blog. Most social networking sites allow you to keep a blog. This is a great tool to remain profitable.

•    Be sure to keep up with the happenings amongst your friends. This means you’re going to wish people a happy birthday when it is their birthday and thank them for being your friend. That way they will check you out.

Basically, you can earn using social networking by staying up on your profile. If you keep everything updated and take an interest in your friends, they are going to take an interest in you. This is very important when trying to earn using social networking. If your profile just sits there doing nothing, then social networking is not going to work for you.

The most important thing is that you have fun. You’ll find that you can successfully earn using social networking if you have a lot of fun with your profile. It is probably one of the neatest ways to market a business because it is like you are literally playing. You’ll make friends, have fun with those friends, and you’ll make money throughout the process.


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FaceBook Live Handbook
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What is an Internet Sales Funnel?

What is an Internet Sales Funnel?

An Internet marketing funnel is a marketing strategy whereby you are constantly funnelling new leads into your business, in the hopes of developing a sale and relationship with the user. A marketing funnel is often seen as an upside down pyramid. As in the image below.

How to

So how do you create a sales funnel, if you search the internet you can find many articles about internet marketing and sales funnels, for example at Wiki How or Entrepreneur EU.


Breaking it down

There’s a number of elements involved in setting up an internet sales funnel. Lets take a look at what these are.

  1. An offer either a product or service for your customers or audience.
  2. A landing page or squeeze page that directs people to give their name and email in return for something valuable, this can be a free or low cost digital product.
  3. A lead capture and email follow up program, there are many good ones on the market and yes most do charge a monthly fee, there are free services that you can use but be careful what you choose as not all of the free softwares are OK with promoting “affiliate programs” my recommendation is Aweber.
  4. Next you need a strategy on how to promote the landing page to your target audience. This is known as  Traffic Generation, you can find my YouTube playlist here, there’s a number of strategies that you can implement. When starting out I would not recommend spending too much on paid advertising. Paid platforms  are Facebook, Instagram, Solo ads, Google ads, Bing and even LinkedIn. Free organic methods include social media, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Groups, Google+ & Twitter. 
  5. When you start to generate prospects into the funnel via the lead capture landing page you need to provide them with the free digital product or service.  Whatever you offer you can deliver in the first email sent. You should have a number of emails in your autoresponder in order to follow up with these new prospects. Now depending on how targeted your promotions or paid ads were you could be generating red hot qualified leads. These leads will buy your products or services after seeing one or two emails. The follow up sequence should be at least 10 days and better still 30 days.

FREE Traffic Training Workshop from my mentor. 

Now if you are looking for a step by step training on traffic generation, I can highly recommend this FREE Traffic Workshop, you can access this NOW by clicking on the banner image below. If you find this training helpful hit the message button on the website and let me know via Facebook messenger. 

Free Website Visitors
What’s happened to my WP Blog? White Screen of Death

What’s happened to my WP Blog? White Screen of Death

The White Screen of Death

Now some of you may not have experienced what has been termed “The white screen of death” but let me tell you as a beginner (IM Apprentice) the first time this happens to your WordPress blog it can be a bit scary.  You may not be able to log back in through the WP Admin panel, all you see is your URL  in the browser and a blank white screen in front of you.

So I thought I would share my experience here, and point out that all is not lost when this happens.

Regular Backups

Firstly, when ever you make changes to your WordPress site by adding themes, or updating plugins, always take a backup. This is good advice but its not always followed. Luckily I did follow this advice this time.

Why has this happened?

If you were updating or adding a theme or a plugin when you lost the site then the likely cause is the last item added or updated.

This is what happened to me today. Three of the plugins I have installed on my blog were showing updates available, so before clicking the update I took a back up of WP and saved the file to my desktop site folder. So I know where to find the backup if it is needed.  See some of the most used plugins.

One by one I updated the plugins. The final plugin update caused the site to fail.  I know exactly which plugin caused the issue and I need to deactivate that plugin, but when trying to log back into WordPress the Admin panel is just a “White Screen”.

What to do when Locked out of WordPress Admin?

I wanted to deactivate the plugins but was locked out of the admin panel. This is when I try Google!

I had experienced the white screen of death once before and I remember that there is a number of good resources on the subject.  So here is what I searched for “the white screen of death wordpress”

Top blog showing at the number one spot for the google search  is 

This site will help any WordPress beginner or  IM apprentice.  So a quick read of the first page “How to fix the WordPress White Screen of Death” and I find the heading two thirds of the way down the post “Disabling All Plugins” and a link to a new post

“How to Deactivate All Plugins when not able to access WP-Admin.”   Using the FTP from the host’s file manager is the method I used to recover my blog.

This resource describes how you can find the plugin folder in the WP-content file.  All you need to do is rename the plugin folder to “plugins.deactiviate”  next step I go to the WP admin and re try log in, SUCCESS!

Once logged in to WordPress all the plugins are showing as deactivated, I just followed the instructions on resource and renamed the file via the FTP host to plugins again the returned to WordPress to reactivate the plugins one by one.

So my blog site is restored – all I need to know now is what to do with the faulty plugin?

Any comments anyone?

Start Making Money Online in any Niche

Start Making Money Online in any Niche

Making Money Online

Are you still looking for that making money online  “get rich quick”, “push button system”, or “risk free investment”?

If you are TRUE to yourself you and I both know that these things are not real.

Did you know that your MINDSET is the key to your own SUCCESS!


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Is your goal weight, dream job, personal fulfilment or even love simply slipping between your fingers … day-after-day, month-after-month and year-after-year?

What Do You Really Need To Do To Start Making Money Online in any Niche?

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Just 4 simple steps to setting yourself up to start earning money online.

Follow these Four Simple Steps above.
Sit back and allow me create your new custom front end sales funnel for your business or opportunity.
Finally just focus on driving traffic to your new custom front end sales funnel.

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How to start and grow your online business

How to start and grow your online business

Grow Your Online Business

Get clear about exactly what you deliver, take a look at your products and services, understand what it is that you provide your customers, they want to know “What’s In It For Me” WIIFM. This is how you will grow your online business.

Get clear on the audience that you are actually serving, start out targeting broad, then niche down.

Get very specific so people know exactly who you are helping and how you help them.

Understand why someone will actually buy from you… if it is YOU or Your MAGIC then this can be a roadblock, it’s better to have a message and process that you bring someone through.

The sale process is a simple one…

a). Find someone’s pain

b). Find someone’s vision

c). Find the solution

d). Show them the solution for a new reality

Lead generation

Don’t rely on one source of lead generation… use multiple sources… Solo Ads, Facebook, YouTube, PPC, Bing or Google ad words, SEO Organic, PR…

Get one working first, then keep expanding… this is SUPER important, if you don’t do it, it is the SINGLE biggest risk in your business.

Multiple Revenue Streams

This means, that you should have a couple different sources of revenue.

You want to be able to ensure that if something doesn’t “work”, you wouldn’t be out of the game.

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To grow your business you need to figure out which part of your business you’re weak on…

Marketing / Sales OR Operations/Finance/Management and then hire your #2…

This is critical…

Your either good at one of the two, most aren’t good at both.

If you are good at Marketing/Sales and have no one for the Operations/Finance, you’ll get yourself into fire fighting mode.

If you are good at Operations, but not Marketing/Sales, you’ll very soon have no customers to buy your stuff.

Plan and Implement a Marketing Funnel that can turn strangers into customers.

Base your lead generation on the first part of this strategy. Think about your product, your sale cycle/conversion times, your audience and calculate the numbers you need to reach $1M, or $100,000.

If you don’t know your numbers here, you’ll be fire fighting again…

Build Your Community not just Leads

Build an audience/community not just generating leads… this can be on social media platforms like a Facebook Group, or Linkedin Group, a Meetup Group… I don’t care HOW you do it, just do it…

However, if you don’t build a business that has a community, you will be working blind… Every single lead coming through your funnel should have the chance to both become a customer and a part of your community.

Failing is almost impossible when you have created a great community around your business.

And finally find a Mentor, Coach or Mastermind program

If you can buy access to solving a problem that would take you 4 weeks or 4 months to resolve, that someone else can solve in much less time…

grow your online business MTTB optin free survey

VALUE your TIME and look for the money, and think of the STRESS & TIME you’ll save…

Don’t forget

Work Hard… Work Smart… Stay Focused

How to get better results from Cold Emails.

How to get better results from Cold Emails.

Cold emailing is not as awkward as cold calling, but it still can be a frightening thing to do. A well-written cold email could be the key you need to get into contact with employers, celebrities, speakers, and just about anyone else you want to contact. You might be trying to reach out to one particular person you want to partner with or you might be trying to sell your product to two dozen people you met at a conference. Either way, cold emails are a fast and simple way of communication.

Unfortunately, it is often very difficult to find a way to get somebody to notice your email amongst dozens of other messages. Most people have countless spam emails in their inbox that they never read and they might disregard your email in the same way. Here are some tips you can use to make cold emails work for you:

Keep it Short and Sweet

 Busy people don’t have a lot of time and they’re not going to stick around to read an essay when they have 200 other messages to read. Make your headline direct and to the point. Avoid the fluff in your message and stick to the bare bones. You should be passionate, but avoid gloating too much over your love for the recipient’s work. The emails should be easy to read and respond to without the recipient having to dig up extra facts or ponder about what you were saying.

Establish Yourself

 If you met the person before, make sure to indicate that. If they don’t know who you are, you must establish your credibility. Tell them what you do or what organization you are from. You can show them sample of your work, if relevant, but avoid piling on too much detail. A quick and easy way to establish yourself without taking up too much space is by linking to your website or LinkedIn profile. These links will explain everything you need to so that you can save time and space.

Remember that there are certain elements of your personality that you want to shine through: your professionalism, your confidence, and your passion. It’s much easier to decide how to display these things when you are behind a computer screen rather than when you are meeting with someone in real life. Avoid generic messages and let your personality show.

Make it Personal

 You should know something about the person you are reaching out to. Personalize the message so that it meets their needs and expectations. People are far less willing to respond to what looks like a mass email sent to a dozen other people. Take the time to begin the email with the person’s name rather than “to whom it may concern.” If you are sending out a mass email, you can use certain software to automatically add the recipient’s name to the message.

See if you two have anything in common and use that to your leverage. Perhaps you picked them to speak at your conference because of their vast knowledge on biology. Maybe you reached out to them because you both graduated from San Francisco University.

You should also take into account who exactly this person is and why you decided to reach out to them. Let the person understand why you are reaching out to them and not anybody else and how they can benefit from it. Quite obviously, people are far more inclined to perform a favor if they can benefit from it in some sort of way.


 Once you click “Send,” the message is gone forever so any mistakes you make will be loud and clear. Sure, you can always send another email with corrections, but that seems unprofessional. Proofreading doesn’t take that long and it always pays to double-check the details. Make sure that your letter to TechCrunch doesn’t say that you are writing to The Verge and make sure that any dates are accurate. You don’t want to send yesterday’s copy-pasted letter if it still has yesterday’s date on it.

Follow Up

 It’s true that the vast majority of cold emails will never receive a response, but it’s always good to follow up if you haven’t heard back from them in a week or so. In fact, the recipient might have just forgotten to get around to answering your email because it got lost in their inbox. Make sure that you mention the first email you sent them so that you don’t come across as a complete stranger.

Want more tuition on Email Marketing Sign up to this FREE Training

Learn how to grow your email list in less than 4 hours with step-by-step, expert guidance in six short and simple lessons.

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 Getting someone to read a cold email is always a challenge. Most people are natural adverse to opening up anything strange or unfamiliar. However, cold emails can become your business’s top way of reaching out to new clients, customers, and partners. If you want to find out more about how to utilize this, check out my done-for-you system.

Six Top Types Of Subject Lines to get you started.

Six Top Types Of Subject Lines to get you started.

Here are my six top types of subject lines to help you get started with email marketing.
The type of subject line is a very important part of your email marketing campaigns. You have to realise that your customers probably get a deluge of marketing mails into their inbox. Savvy marketers will use these types of subject lines to get a response. If you think about it most people will just scan the subject lines before making the decision to open your message. You have just a second or two to get inside the head of your prospect or customer.

1. Personal subject lines

Are you coming?

You’ve changed?

NAME – Surprise inside

NAME, check out these hand-picked tools

Crazy invitation, I am going to buy you lunch…

Seriously, who does this?

Quick favour?

? your detailed results…

Thanks for helping us.

2. Retargeting subject lines

I’m deleting your account

The price dropped …

we are not gonna give up on you!

How can you afford xyzzy

3. Pain point subject lines

Stop wasting money on  xyz…

“Your xyzzy issues, solved”

“Wanted: Digital Entrepreneur Superstars…

How to survive your next xyz

job lay off, big medical bill, financial crises

Stop wasting time on mindless work

Learn a new skill with only 20 minutes a day

Start a business without breaking the bank

4. Greed subject lines

Get priority access

25% off your favourites

Turn your mobile into a cash generator

5. Humour subject line

Text message: “loraine we need help the bathroom has been stolen”  (True Story)

“We like being used”

Look what you did, you little jerk…

6. Fear of missing out subject lines

Urgent, breaking, important, alert,

eg. Uh-oh, Your xyzzy is expiring

[URGENT] You’ve got just ONE DAY to watch this…

Your 7-figure plunges bye-bye at midnight…

[WEEKEND ONLY] Get this NOW before its gone…

You can find more useful marketing tips with my done-for-you service.

You might be interested to read Six Subject Line Tips to get your emails opened.


Six Subject Line Tips To Get Your Emails Opened

Six Subject Line Tips To Get Your Emails Opened

 Get your emails seen and opened.

Massive email marketing campaigns are a great way to get more eyes on your newsletter or website since. You can reach thousands of people at once. However, your campaign won’t be successful if nobody opens your message. MY six subject line tips will help you to get your  emails seen and opened. According to Madison Logic, over 122 billion emails are sent an hour, so knowing how to stand out from the crowd is important.

Your email’s subject line is arguably the most important part of the message since it’s the part readers will see first and make a split-second decision whether opening the message is worth their time. Headlines that aren’t interesting will quickly be marked as read or deleted. In fact, copywriter coach Chris Marlow claims that studies have proven that headlines are responsible for 50-75% of an ad’s success.

Knowing just how much of your campaign’s success rests on the headline alone, it’s important that you really take the time to examine how effective your headlines are. Here are a few great tips to craft better headlines:

Personalize your subject line.

A study by MailChimp examined about 24 billion emails and found that subject lines with the recipient’s first and/or last name were opened more often than those without. The most effective emails had both the first and last name.  However, those which only used the last name were strangely more effective than emails that only used the first name.

The power of first name personalization varied based on industries. Personalized emails sent to those in the government were opened 92% more often than usual while there was 45% difference for the creative services/agency industry. There were positive effects in all sorts of industries such as software, art, retail, and entertainment, but proved to be ineffective in the legal industry with a -31% open rate.

Create a sense of urgency.

A headline that compels the user to read right away will surely be opened. Such a headline tells the reader that there is some important information within the email that needs to be read right away and can’t be put off until later.

The aforementioned MailChimp study found that the following words results in a higher open rate:

  • Urgent: 79%
  • Breaking: 68%
  • Important: 55%
  • Alert: 31%

Note that Adestra similarly found that “alert” lead to a 61.8% increase in open rates.

Try giving a deadline with phrases like “today only” or “last chance”. Make sure that they know they must act now.

Make them feel special. 

Adding a first and last name to a subject line makes the email feel more personal. Adding phrases that make the email sound like it’s exclusively for the reader. Headlines such as “An exclusive offer just for you,” or “For your eyes only”.  Try this “A message for our dear customers only”. This makes the reader feel that this message is just for them or their group of people.

Keep it short and simple.

Your subject line should ideally be 6-10 words. Keep it under 50 characters.  Provide a description of what the reader can expect in the message. People are receiving an a ton of emails and won’t want to waste any time on something that doesn’t immediately meet their needs. Subject lines that are too vague or too detailed won’t be opened very often.

Short headlines are important considering that 40% of emails are opened on mobiles, so longer headlines will get cut off. You can shorten your headline by using contractions and not spelling out numbers. (i.e. “don’t” instead of “do not” and “45” instead of “forty-five”)

Capitalize each word.

MailChimp found that capitalizing each word in the subject line lead to a 7% increase in open rate. However, only capitalizing at least one word lead to a -1% open rate. These numbers are small, but they shouldn’t be overlooked. If you have a very large mailing list, the small percentage points can translate to hundreds or thousands of consumers.

Use an A/B test.

You will likely reach a situation where you have multiple headlines you would like to use, but can’t decide which one is best. You should A/B test them by sending them to segments of your mailing list. Collect some data and then send out the winning headline to the rest of your list.

Make sure to keep as many factors as consistent as possible. For example. When you send Headline A at 2:00 AM and Headline B at 9:00 AM, you should see a difference in open rates.

Using the right subject line hacks can exponentially improve your marketing success. You should use Aweber, Constant Contact, or another email marketing service to send out your emails, track statistics, and watch your numbers grow. You can find more useful marketing tips with my done-for-you service.

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