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IM Acronyms

Firstly what is an acronym: it is an abbreviation formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word.

Untangle the IM Acronym Jungle Beginners Guide – Our language becomes filled with acronyms in our jobs and professions there are terms and short codes for phrases that become common to those in that profession or industry.

Internet Marketers have created and use many acronyms so here are some I’ve gathered for you to help you out.

Alt Text = Alternative text to be displayed with images, or text that is associated with the image.

B2B = Business to Business transactions  and B2C = business to consumer.

Blackhat =  refers to unethical techniques being used   while Whitehat = ethical techniques

eg Blackhat hacker

CPC = Cost per Click  and CPA = Cost per Acquisition (used in determining cost of advertising)

PPC = Pay per Click  and CPM = Cost per 1,000 impressions

CTR = Click through rates, the number of clicks received from your advertising campaign.

CTC -= Click to Conversion (divide number of clicks received by captured sales / conversions )

Opt-In = a subscribers sign up  and Opt-out

FTP = File Transfer Protocol

FSI = Free Standing Insert

Favicon = created from two words Favourite Icon (fav-icon) and refers to a customised icon display in a browser / comments

HTML = hyper text markup language

ROI = Return On Investment

SEO = Search Engine Optimization   and  SEM = Search Engine Marketing

SMM = Social Media Marketing  while SMO = Social Media Optimization

SERP = Search Engine Results Page

URL = Uniform Resource Locator previously universal resource locator, which is generally known as a unique address for a file that is accessible on the internet

WSO = Warrior Special Offer  Warrior Special Offers Forum place where internet marketers advertise or promote offers give feedback and chat.

Untangle the IM Acronym Jungle Beginners Guide

Other Phrases and words

Anchor text = clickable part of a hyperlink

Domain  = a website address name which can be purchased from a Domain and hosting service.
My recommendation is D9

hyperlink = element in an electronic document / webpage that links to another page or place

Meta Tags =  used to provide search engines with information about their sites.

Keyword = phrases to use in your web page content and online marketing materials.

google bot = is Google’s web crawling bot (sometimes also called a “spider”)

e commerce = is trading in products or services conducted via computer networks such as the Internet

double opt-in = way to ensure subscribers e-mail address is valid used in auto responders like AWEBER and GET RESPONSE

Funnel – name given to a marketing plan that drives traffic into a large “funnel” eg webpage and filters clients or customers into buyers and non buyers, there are various companies that support small business and entrepreneurs with software for funnel creation.  I use Thrive Themes on all of my WordPress websites it is a suite of plugins that work well and have templates for all sorts of sign up landing pages, training course pages, video sales pages, and selling e books funnels. 

Landing Page – A single webpage that provides information or video content and allows a person to sign up by providing an email address

Tracking Links – Helps business to see which ads are converting to leads and which ads are not performing well, helps to save money on poor performing ads while maximising your return on investment where ads are working well.

My recommendation for link tacking is to use cloud software that you can start using for free like bit.ly or  tinyurl.com

That’s all for now – don’t forget to like this and share if you found it useful. 

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