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Working From Home – creating an extra income

As someone who has started 4 or 5 businesses over the years and had some failures along the way.

I found success from 2007 working from home. I was fully self employed in property management in my own business while working from my home office, however the idea of having Multiple Streams of Income has been something I have valued since 1999.

Six reasons why you must think about earning an extra income.

  1. No one has a JOB for life any more
  2. You should think about having a back up plan as protection for the future if you should  lose your employment
  3. It opens up more choices. If you hate your day job, earning an extra income can help you decide on quitting.
  4. Fire your Boss –  you can grow your income to a level that replaces your current earnings
  5. Beginning a new venture can be exciting.  When you have a dream or a passion getting up at 5 am and working on your business for two  hours before setting off to the 9-5 is easy to do.
  6. Learning new skills is motivating and rewarding in more ways than one. Once you start to earn an extra income for yourself you can use your new skills and knowledge to create an income for the rest of your life.

Create Multiple Income Streams

You can search Google for ideas on multiple income streams you will find a lot of information out there.

Here are just a few ideas of how you could get started creating your  M.I.S.

Join a reputable network marketing company.

Affiliate Marketing, selling digital products online and earning commissions.

Buying property,  buy and let, or buy refurb and sell, and various other ways of making money from property.

Sell Products Online Working From Home

Consider selling physical products on an e-commerce platform like Amazon, Shopify or Etsy.

Think about starting your own business on a part time basis doing something you enjoy. Photography or Writing for example, you could even start a blog.

Create your own products to sell.

Write music lyrics, write e-books, write a novel or a training book.

Teach people a skill that you have.

Need a few more ideas?

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