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An Internet marketing funnel is a marketing strategy whereby you are constantly funnelling new leads into your business, in the hopes of developing a sale and relationship with the user. A marketing funnel is often seen as an upside down pyramid. As in the image below.

How to

So how do you create a sales funnel, if you search the internet you can find many articles about internet marketing and sales funnels, for example at Wiki How or Entrepreneur EU.


Breaking it down

There’s a number of elements involved in setting up an internet sales funnel. Lets take a look at what these are.

  1. An offer either a product or service for your customers or audience.
  2. A landing page or squeeze page that directs people to give their name and email in return for something valuable, this can be a free or low cost digital product.
  3. A lead capture and email follow up program, there are many good ones on the market and yes most do charge a monthly fee, there are free services that you can use but be careful what you choose as not all of the free softwares are OK with promoting “affiliate programs” my recommendation is Aweber.
  4. Next you need a strategy on how to promote the landing page to your target audience. This is known as  Traffic Generation, you can find my YouTube playlist here, there’s a number of strategies that you can implement. When starting out I would not recommend spending too much on paid advertising. Paid platforms  are Facebook, Instagram, Solo ads, Google ads, Bing and even LinkedIn. Free organic methods include social media, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook Groups, Google+ & Twitter. 
  5. When you start to generate prospects into the funnel via the lead capture landing page you need to provide them with the free digital product or service.  Whatever you offer you can deliver in the first email sent. You should have a number of emails in your autoresponder in order to follow up with these new prospects. Now depending on how targeted your promotions or paid ads were you could be generating red hot qualified leads. These leads will buy your products or services after seeing one or two emails. The follow up sequence should be at least 10 days and better still 30 days.

FREE Traffic Training Workshop from my mentor. 

Now if you are looking for a step by step training on traffic generation, I can highly recommend this FREE Traffic Workshop, you can access this NOW by clicking on the banner image below. If you find this training helpful hit the message button on the website and let me know via Facebook messenger. 

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