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Here are the 10 most useful WordPress Plugins I am using on my websites and blogs.

AWeber Forms Optin Cat or Contact Form 7

Two plugins to integrate with email autoresponder software, create forms to collect names and emails from your blog.  If you are a small business offering a service or products then this is a great way to build a list of subscribers, clients or customers who you can follow up with and send communications about new products and services.

WordPress Editorial Calendar

I found out about this plugin from a master blogger while in Costa Rica attending a marketing training event. It’s a calendar tool that allows you to upload a number of posts and schedule them over the month or week so that your posts get published on a consistent basis. If you want to use Wordress to create a professional blog the best way forward is to have one or two set days when new content is released. I’ve researched some of the top bloggers and social media influencers and they state the days of the week when new content will be published. That way your subscribers know what to expect from you and your website.

WP Legal

All websites should have a “Legal Disclaimer” whether your site is selling ecommerce, affiliate marketing or just an info blog hobby because what you write is available online. If your blog is personal you could add something like “This is my personal blog and the views expressed are my own”  If you gather data you should have a “Privacy Policy” and in the UK there are laws about keeping data and “Data Protection Principles” will tell you more.

Yoast SEO

This plugin helps you to get your SEO and readability optimised. When you know how to write and optimise the content and images you will have a much better chance of ranking your posts to be seen.


I love this plugin, when you publish new content you can share the post to your own social media pages, like Twitter, Facebook or Google plus.  Your readers can also easily share the post to their friends. Also useful to create PDF’s of posts if you are in business and want to give a report to your customers or create some sort of lead magnet that you can promote to drive traffic back to your website.

Pixel Caffeine

Now this little “Pixel helper” tool is for anyone who wants to really cash in on their marketing budgets with Facebook promotions. It helps you to install a piece of code on your website from your Facebook ads manager. Then when you promote a sponsored ad with Facebook you can actually retarget your website visitors on Facebook.

Google analytics By ShareThis

The best way to add a Google Analytics tracking code to your website without modifying any files. You can check GA to see how many visitors your website has and also see where your visitors are in the world. Another useful analytic is how your visitors found your blog. GA will tell you the keywords that were searched and also the platform that the visitors arrived from. If you have shared out your posts or page links to social media you will see which platforms are bringing in the most visitors.

WP Paypal shopping cart

Do you have a digital product? An ebook or reports that could be sold from your blog, this is the plugin that will help you with setting up your Paypal checkout.

Youtube Embed plus

Do you have a YouTube channel? If you create videos you can use this plugin to embed and share video content on your blog.  The videos you share also don’t have to be your own.

W3 Total cache

Improve the load speed of your pages and posts. Optimise your SEO. Your visitors don’t want to wait for images and pages to load. If your site is slow you will lose visitors.

WordPress Image Sizes

thumbnail – 150×150
D9 Hosting and DomainsStarting out learning WordPress and wanting to create you very first blog, read 10 most useful WordPress Plugins and get my special offer “free blog install” when you sign up to the recommended hosting… Click the image for more information on hosting.

medium – 300×300

Free 7 step success system crazy millionaire mentor

medium_large – 768×9999

Free 7 step success system crazy millionaire mentor

Other images sizes for information

large – 1024×1024

post-thumbnail – 630×315

featured-post – 285×200

list-image – 182×125

small-image – 78×55

shareaholic-thumbnail – 300×0

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