Tap24AR Bonus Page

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Tap24AR Promo Launch

Bonuses from  MMOnline-Niches

What is Tap24 AR App All About?

Augmented reality (AR) is an experience where designers enhance parts of users’ physical world with computer-generated input. Designers create inputs—ranging from sound to video, to graphics to GPS overlays and more—in digital content which responds in real time to changes in the user’s environment, typically movement.

It used to be impossible to display 3D product videos on each product without spending a fortune, but thanks to Augmented Reality, you can increase engagement, interaction and provide a richer user experience! 

Are you a small business owner? Do you have an e-commerce store? This app offers you an exciting way to capture your customers’ attention and give them a remarkable first-hand experience of your product to “TRY ON”, be it furniture, clothes or machine supplies..

If you’re into real estate, this app is a must-have! Showcase your real estate in grand style and crush your competition.

Utilizing our product video promotion AR app increases the perceived value of your products and brand, and it conveys the innovative nature of your brand and business.

Tap24hARpromo app uses image processing to detect the product and brand, retrieves the video and displays it as an overlay in the camera. One super feature of this app that takes AR to a whole new level is the screen and audio recording!


Tap24AR Promo Launch

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