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 Is It Possible To Pocket A Six Figure Income
With Affiliate Marketing

“Generally those marketers  who own websites and don’t create products or sell services of their own, find it difficult to earn big money through the internet.”

How many times have you heard this?

It is possible to sell space for advertising. You would need to be generating significant amount of traffic to your site. You can’t expect to sell the advertising space if you don’t attract high traffic.
To become a six-figure income earner, affiliates need to learn what to promote, and then how to promote it.  The secret is in what you offer on the front end of the website or funnel.  In traditional affiliate marketing, the commissions earned on the products are usually low.  The disadvantage is that a product creator usually has affiliates promoting these low-ticket products and the higher ticket items are reserved to be sold out to the email lists that are created.

A home-based business

Most marketers prefer to start earning money from home on a part-time basis, while still working another job or business.  However, there are pros and cons here, working from home is fine but the reality is many online entrepreneurs will not earn huge commissions.

One reason for this is that the marketer will treat the new business like a hobby while working part-time. Individuals are not fully committed to focusing on starting the business the correct way.  I’ve listened to many success stories and I can tell you there are a lot of people who tried and tried and failed before they became successful.  The difference is, that they did not give up.  They worked on growing themselves first. Successful marketers get educated, and then find mentors to support them.

Generally, affiliate marketers are selling other people’s goods and services for a commission which normally ranges between 5 to 25 per cent of the product price. The secret is to have a product that fits your target group. Then you drive traffic to the offer and collect names and emails. Results come from converting the traffic to sales.

You should also ensure that your adverts do not look like conventional advertisements. This is because many people do not take their time to pay attention to the banners that are scattered all over. When they do visit your site they are wanting information on what you provide.  A good strategy is to have something that you can offer FREE this way you can build a good list of potential customers.

When you are researching for products as an affiliate you need to look at some of the Affiliate Platforms that sell the goods and services that are related to your niche.
See my earlier post on TOP ten affiliate programs
These websites have affiliate programs with offers that you can promote on your own website, you will find information on how you can sign up to join them.

Six Figure Income: Affiliate Marketing

The smart affiliate marketer promotes companies that pay out commissions on all of its products through the whole sales funnel. Even smarter they sign up to a company that helps them to build a team of marketers.  A company that teaches them how to get sales in the first 30 days.  A company that pays up to 50% and up to 100% commissions on front-end sales and 50% commissions through back-end sales. There are big rewards for top earners.

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