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How to Make Money with YouTube Videos and Affiliate Products

Welcome to this 4-part course presented by Loraine at MakeMoneyOnline-Niches.Com. We recommend that you turn off all notifications and distractions and take notes while watching the videos below. Putting into practice what you learn here will be well worth your time and attention.

video #1 Set up a youtube account

Create your YouTube Channel – If you decide to buy an aged YT Channel.Get Aged YT Account Here:

How To Set Up An Aged Channel:

video #2 warrior + account

Create Warrior +  Account  – Tip if you are going to be serious about building your affiliate marketing business use your real name when registering.

video #3

In this video, you’ll discover our exact video traffic strategy. Not only will you see how you can get more views for your videos, but also how you can use video to drive more traffic to your website.

video #4

Go to Muncheye and select some launches.

Then make your application to promote a few of those launches. 

What to write to get your links approved. 

Hi xyz, I would like to promote xyz, could you please approve my link.  I make review videos on YouTube, I’m fairly new to affiliate marketing,  still learning new traffic skills, I made this video to introduce myself.  VIDEO LINK    Your Name. 


Hi, XYZ ,

I’m promoting launches with reviews videos on my YT channel    I’m looking to promote your launch product could you please approve my link, thank you. Loraine 

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